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Before I begin, can I just say, LETS APPRECIATE the artist whom, drew that master piece above❤❤


Grab some popcorn cause, here comes the long awaited death of our most hated person ;)


You and all the hashiras managed to get to the Ubayashiki Estate, in about two hours(so its six o' clock), only to see it fully engulfed in flames. 

"We-we were too late...." you stuttered, tears threatening to fall. 

"Took you long enough," a deep voice, filled the atmosphere. 

All your heads snapped in that direction. 

"Muzan Kibutsuji...." you mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear.


Mitsuri was cut off by a raging Sanemi. 

"MUZAN KIBUTSUJI! I'LL KILL YOU!!" He exclaimed as he dashed forward, with out thinking. 

Just as his sword was about to slice Muzan's neck, his sword was suddenly, struck out of his hand. 

By who? hehe

"Kina?!" you exclaimed, as she stood protectively in front of Muzan, pointing her sword towards you all. 

"Don't you dare touch a hair on my Master's head, Sanemi." Kina demanded, as she glared at him. 

"I KNEW IT! YOU WERE A TRAITOR!" Shinobu gritted her teeth as she drew her sword. 

"Hold on now." you say as you held her back, from carelessly attacking. 

"Kina....but why...I-I trusted you! You were my best friend!" Mitsuri yelled as she looked at Kina sadly, not wanting to believe she was a traitor. 

"And you really believed me? Guess I'm quite good at convincing others to believe I'm someone I'm not." Kina admitted staring back at Mitsuri. 

You decided to cut off the tension and ask the award winning question.

"Why Kina....why'd you betray us?" you ask her, but that question just seemed to tick her off. 

"Are you really asking why?! Let me tell you, I've never liked you from the beginning to start with, Y/n. I decided to use, Rengoku to anger you but somehow it didn't work. Then I agreed to work, with Master Muzan and become his demon queen, once he successfully infiltrates the Ubayashiki Estate!" Kina devilishly grinned. 

"No wonder you didn't care when he broke up with you..." you murmured. 

"Now all that's left is to kill you all and become demon queen-" she was cut off, with a hand going abruptly through her stomach. 

"Oh stupid, naive Kina. Were you really that gullible to believe that I'd really make you my demon queen?" Muzan smiled at her stupidity. 

"M-master?" Kina winced as Muzan retracted his hand from her stomach. 

"I never liked you. In fact, I couldn't stand the sight of you. To get to the point, I just used you and you actually fell for it!" Muzan laughed, and Kina took a few steps back, blood pouring from her wound. 

"But why...It-It's because of Y/n, again, isn't it!" Kina cried. 

"Its always Y/n! Everyone likes her more! I'll kill you, Y/n!" Kina gritted her teeth. 

"Let me get this straight. Don't you ever threaten my actual demon queen, in front of me." Muzan proclaimed as he sent her flying straight into a tree. 

"His actual demon queen." everyone synchronized as their gazes flickered over to you. 

"Yes, my actual demon queen." Muzan finished.

All the hashiras hated the thought of you being a traitor, and they just couldn't believe that. No, they didn't want to. You were the person they would never believe could back stab them, so they decided they'd see for themselves and judge your words and movements, before they decide to take any action. 

But of course they would question you first. 

"Muzan seems quite fond of you...did you both ever meet before this?" Iguro asked you. 


"Oh yes we did, actually. We met one night." Muzan cut you off, responding to  Iguro's question. 

All their eyes widened, as that response made their thoughts differ. 

"You threatened me not to tell! You said you'd kill Shinobu, Kanao and Rengoku!" you screamed, getting a bit irritated. 

Immediately, everyone's perspectives changed. They wanted to believe you were good so badly but they just couldn't....not yet at least.  

"Well you aren't wrong about that. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to end Kina once and for all." Muzan added as he charged off to Kina's direction. 

"Do you guys really think I'm working with him?" you quietly asked them and you were sure all of them heard. 

No one replied. 

"If I really was a traitor like Kina, do you think I would've told you about the key? Don't you think I would've been a lot more secretive and never spend time with any of you? When we fought Uppermoon One, I'm certain he would've said something or Kina would have said I was against you all and turned you guys against me." you say. 

"The truth is....I love you all....and I'll do anything to protect you all...even if it costs me my life." you say, with tears threatening to pour as all of their eyes softened. 

"You still probably don't believe me, but I really do mean it." you sighed, as you wiped your tears.

That wasn't true. In fact, the only thing they want to do was run to you and embrace you in a hug and tell you that they'd do the same for you, but you were all cut off, with Kina being thrown in your direction. 

She shakily got back onto her feet. But Muzan was starting to get annoyed so he decided to finish her once and for all. 

In a split second, Muzan was right in front of Kina, as his hand made contact with her chest, painfully stabbing her heart and she screamed and fell to the ground. 

"You have a few more seconds to live. Any regrets or anything you'd like to say?" Muzan asked her, although he didn't care. 

She glanced at all the hashiras and then looked at you. 

"I'm sorry....." she exhaled, taking her dying breath. 

"Finally. The pest is gone." Muzan grinned as he turned towards all of you. 

"Now, lets get into battle, shall we?" Muzan said as he clapped his hands, and out came the remaining Uppermoons, ready to shed blood. 

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥


And that's the end of this chapter, leave a vote if you enjoyed. 

Finally, Kina's dead but how do you all feel about her death?

Its been about a week or more since I updated, so I apologise for that, I've been quite busy and by busy I mean grinding Genshin Impact and watching anime :)

-Please take care and stay safe until my next update<3


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