18K Special

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Ah yes, you just arrived, late after a full Saturday of work. It was around 10pm as you entered your room, and got dressed for the night. 

As you did your night routine, and went downstairs to go eat dinner, you switched on the television, as you made yourself a quick omelet. 

You paused for a moment, as your family's title was being spoken off. An interviewer, as well as the police were currently on television. 

"So, any new leads on the Kocho's case?" the interviewer asked, as the policeman laughed. "Haha, no actually. There aren't any leads at all. I think that this is just a lost case," the policeman said, as you gritted your teeth. 

"If it were your family, would you say that?" you answered back bitterly as you glared at the policeman through the television screen. 

You listened to the interview a bit more, as you flipped the channel. 

As you sat down on your couch and started eating, an advertisement popped up. Which made you look. 

You listened carefully to what it said, as a smile made its way onto your lips. 

Wondering what the add was? 
How to kill a police officer-
I mean-

"Ah yes. The summer fair. I almost forgot about that," you spoke to yourself, as you thought about it. 

Sunday was your only day off for the week. You were always at school or at work. So tomorrow, you were planning to ask your sisters if they would like to go with you. Its better to spend your free time with family, than by yourself, correct? 

As you stood up, after having a late dinner you headed upstairs and as you passed Kanao's room, you heard giggling coming from Shinobu.

You knocked twice, before entering. 

"Oh. Hi Y/n! Welcome home," Shinobu greeted as Kanao nodded. "Thank you." you replied, before you paused for a moment. 

"Would...would you two like to go to the summer fair tomorrow?" both your sisters looked at you surprised, as the took a glance at each other. 

"Yes, of course." Kanao answered first, as Shinobu nodded in reply. "Alright, great! I'll see you both tomorrow morning then. Have a good night," you say as you exited the room.

As you got to your room, you picked out an outfit and laid on your bed, as you instantly fell asleep. Today was hectic but hopefully tomorrow would be better. 

◆ ◆

As the sun made its way into the sky, you were already dressed and ready to leave. As you exited your room, you saw that Kanao and Shinobu were already dressed as they were talking. 

"Ready to go?" you asked, at they both nodded and started walking to the front door, with you following. 

About an hour or two of driving later, you finally arrived the the fair. You all got out of the car, as  the driver left. 

As you looked around, you saw amusement rides, food vending stalls, merchandise vending stalls, games of 'chance and skill' and many more exciting things, waiting to be played. 

"Come! Here first!" Shinobu exclaimed with a smile, as she pulled you and Kanao towards a cotton candy stand. 

You watched as the vendors made your cotton candy, swirling it around as it started to gather on the stick.

You watched as the vendors made your cotton candy, swirling it around as it started to gather on the stick

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