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Hello my dear viewers❤❤

Here's a new part!

Prepare to hate Kina(︶^︶)


"YOU GUYS REALLY ENCOUNTERED UPPERMOON ONE!?" She screamed, with stars in her eyes. You gave a nervous chuckle while Sanemi rolled his eyes as Shinobu, properly dressed and attended to his wounds. 

"Yep! We really did meet Uppermoon One!" Rengoku replied with the same energy. You wore a smile, as he laughed along with Mitsuri. 

"I will admit, that it is very impressive that you three were able to hold off Uppermoon One, by yourselves all night." Iguro added, emphasizing the word 'all'. 

"Your make it sound like it was easy or we negotiated." Sanemi said, as he glared at Iguro. "Who knows? Maybe you did make an agreement behind our backs. You could be fooling us right know." Iguro added. 

"What did you say-" Sanemi said, as he got up. "Now, now Obanai. You should know better than to accuse these three out of all of us, in particular." Tengen added, as you took a sigh of relief.

You mentally thanked him. Sanemi's family was murdered by demons, your older sister was killed by a demon and Rengoku hated demons more than ever, especially since his last encounter with Akaza. There was no way you three would ever, EVER work with demons. NEVER, EVER, NEVER.

Orrr so you thought.

"Rengoku, would never! Don't accuse him of such things. Right, Rengoku?" Kina exclaimed, as she held onto Rengoku's arm. 

"I would never! She's right," He confidently proclaimed. "As I said." Kina smiled. 

"aS I sAiD." You mimicked her in a low tone, but Shinobu appeared to have heard, as she burst out laughing. You turned red, hoping that no one else heard. Everyone gave her a questioning look. 

As she finished laughing, she excused herself and left, after taking care of everyone's wounds.

Everyone else left, except you, Rengoku and Kina. There was a bit of an awkward silence. 

"I'll be right back." You say, excusing yourself, to go and grab some water. As you were coming back, with your glass of water, your eyes widened at the sight in front of you. 

Rengoku and Kina were kissing...

You clenched the glass so tightly that it shattered in your hand. Your blood leaked down to your shoulder, as a puddle of blood started forming beneath you. 

"Y/n! Are you alright?!" Rengoku asked, with concern. "I'm-I'm fine." you shakily replied.

You say as you take a few steps back. Kina gave you a 'You just had to interrupt, didn't you?' look.

"I'll-I'll be going. If you see Shinobu, please tell her to clean this mess up..Sorry for disturbing you.." Before anyone could say another word, you left. You went to the one place that brought you peace. The garden.

You stood under a wisteria tree, as you wiped your tears. Why Kina.? Why...were you not good enough? Your crying came to a stop, when you heard footsteps nearing. You quickly wiped all your tears away and wore a smile. 

As the footsteps neared, you saw Shinobu.

"What's wrong Y/n? And be honest with me."

She said, sitting next to you giving a sad look.

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