Werewolf (L)

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What you're in for:
Biting = little bit of blood, Wolf form, Knot, Breeding/Mating, animalistic, feral

I woke up with a jerk as the car hit a bump in the road while going a bit too fast. I hear Jason laugh next to me in the back seat. He pointed to my forehead, saying something about a red mark being there from having my head on the window. But I punch him in the shoulder, laughing at him as he whined and rubbed his sore shoulder. "Jason, you are such a baby!" Laughed Katie from the driver's seat while Dean was zoning out as he was looking out the window. Jason's window was open, letting in the summer breeze and the smell of the woods.
We were taking our seasonal summer camping trip. We like to go up there the week of the 4th of July and watch the fireworks from on the mountains. It was always a blast to go with the homies to watch fireworks and camp. We usually get drunk up there and spend a week there out in the woods. We had taken this road so many times that after I rubbed my eyes and fully woke up from my nap; I could tell we were almost there. It wasn't one of those camp sites with fireplaces, bathrooms and driveways built in. It was better, it was all natural. We would drive down the highway for what felt like forever then we turn down a little off-road path that lead straight to our yearly spot.
Parking, we all then get out and start setting up the tents. I always loved to take in the view of the city from above it all in the mountains. It was a pretty sight to see, at night it was even better. With city lights looking like super distant fire flies dancing in the night sky. I took a big deep breath of the fresh air before turning around to get my tent out of Katie's car trunk.


It was early night time by the time we finished setting everything up. Our fire pit lit with a iron grate sitting over it with hot dogs and hamburgers on it. We sat in our foldable chair, warmed by fire and the little bit of beer that we were drinking. Laughing and tipsy shouting could be heard echoing while the fire crackled and popped. In between the laughs, I leaned over to Katie to tell her "I'm gonna go pee behind the usual tree." She giggles, "Alright, careful. We'll all be here still."
I stood up, walking over to my tent to get the roll of toilet paper before leaving to the usual bathroom tree that was a bit away from the tents. I shined my lantern to the ground as I walked. I could hear my friend's laughing get more and more distant with each step I took. I pulled down my bottoms and shuddered at the cold wind against my privates.


Wind blowing through the thick hair as it ran through it's territory, looking for the next meal. The 9 foot tall beast stopped on a hill in an opening of the trees and let out a beastly howl to the moon. More howls being heard miles away with the wolf's perk up ears. The beast was looking for a meal but not in that way. The beast was running in his territory for a mate, to soothe the lust his body was feeling in his heat. He cursed this part of the year, as he as not bred for many years. So when he smelled something strange and sweet, a smell that made his body ache with need. A growl leaving his throat as he ran through the dark to find that delicious smell.
The beast was lead to a camp site, the smell shocked him when he saw a small female squatting against the tree reliving herself. He held his need back for right now, taking in her scent. He could smell the female was ovulating and ready. The smell made him hungry.
He kept his distance from her until she left. Slowly he went up to the tree, leaning down on his front paws and taking in a deep huff of the urine she left at the base of the tree. The smell only confirmed his suspicions that female he had seen was ovulating and ready to be bred. Now that he was closer, he could also smell the weak males that were at the campsite with his soon to be claimed mate. He let out a growl and wanted to take his mate now. But he held back, trying to keep the lust under control before he had her. So he laid down and kept watch, waiting for the right moment.

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