Clydesdale Centaur (L)

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What you're in for: Centaur x Centaur

Your pov.

I was waist deep in the slow flowing river. The warm summer river washing through my light brown coat while I gently washed my hair. All the mares were getting ready for their husbands to come back. It had been many moons since we had seen them. It was tradition to get prepped for the return. My dear friend, Dorene, came up to me with a smile. "Are you excited? Do you think you'll court with Evander this year?" I blushed and looked away, making my friend laugh. "I'm just wondering because he is the strongest. I'm sure you'll give him strong sons." I felt myself withdraw more into my own body. Not with embarrassment but now concern. It was my role to bare his young and give our herd strong hunters.
I felt a hand on my shoulder that brought me back from my thoughts. "Y/n, I'm sorry. Don't worry about that now. Let's finish getting ready." She tried to give a reassuring smile before she grabbed my hand and started pulling me behind her. The hot air quickly dried up the water on my skin. I brushed my hair and tail in a hurry before it would dry as a tangled mess.
I separated from the herd in look for flowers. When I finally found a patch of carnations I sat down next to them in the grass and started making flower crowns. I made a small one for the base of my tail then worked on one for my head. I got lost in thought again but this time it wasn't sad. I thought about the first look Evander always gives me when he spots me out of the crowd. There is such a loving sparkle in his eyes. It makes me feel as if he is falling in love again every time. The first hug in each other's arms feels just like that first time. It's the part I look forward to the most. My stomach fills with butterflies just thinking about it.
The sound of a ram horn rang through the forest then followed by the excited cheers of the herd. The hunters were back. I put my flower crown on and stood up, racing over through the trees to join my fellow mares. My heart was pounding in my chest as I pushed my way through the crowd. Meeting the leader of the hunters, my love, Evander.
He wrapped one arm around my waist while his other hand gently caressed my cheek. His deep voice giving me butterflies as he spoke. "You look as beautiful as ever, my queen. Oh how I've missed your touch." We sank into each other's arms, my head resting on his muscular pecs. His strong heartbeat right in my ears.
He was the first to pull away, but he held my hand and led me to the returning feast. The feast was a celebration of a safe return and the glory of the meal.
The night was full of laughter and cheer. It was a wonderful feeling to have everyone be home and back with their loved ones. While sitting at the head of the table with my love, I had a smile from ear to ear. Soon though, I felt a strong gentle hand grab my chin. Evander made me face him, he had a gentle smile on his face as he spoke. "You love your people so much, you are the most passionate and caring queen I could ask for." He brushed my hair behind my ear before leaning in for a kiss. I couldn't tell if it was the breeze or him that sent a chill down my body. But I didn't want it to stop. "Evander, I think I'm ready. I want to be yours." He smiled and slowly stood up, holding my hand as he pulled me up with him. "Then let us go, my queen~"
We slipped away from the festival to our hut.

He pulled me in close once in the safety of our home. One hand held me in place while the other gently tickled my back. Our lips met slowly, the kiss getting more passionate as it went on. My hands traced his muscles for his chest to his abs then back up to his bold shoulders. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling myself even closer to him. A small moan came out of me as we made skin to skin contact. He pulled away from the kiss with a smile while a hand brushed my hair behind my ear. "Go lay down, y/n~" I swallowed and let go of my love. I turned around and went to our pile of dried wild grass. I leaned down on to my knees with my behind still up for him. He came up behind me and moved my tail out of the way. A gasp came from me as I could feel a hand slowly start to touch me. I started to moan and shiver from the foreign touch. "You are so easy to please. I've barely even touched you, y/n~" I could feel my face heat up from his words, but his husky voice made me need him more. "Evander please~" He let out a light chuckle before I could hear his hooves stomp. From behind me, he gently jumped up on me and mounted me. He locked his legs in front of my back legs. He leaned down with his upper half so his arms could hug me. I blushed even more when I could feel his shaft twitch against me. He brushed my hair off my shoulder to leave soft kisses on my neck and shoulder as he spoke. "Are you ready my queen?" I reached over my shoulder and held his chin, by reflex he leaned his face into my hand. "Yes my love, please give me a foal.~" I could hear his breath hitch before he leaned back up. He moved his hips slightly, pressing the tip against me before it slowly slid in. I moaned as it filled me up, my heartbeat pounding louder just from that. He started off slow before picking up the pace as much as our awkward size would let us. I leaned forward and grabbed handfuls of the dried grass. My moans coming out naturally for him as he moved. He would fix his legs every few seconds to get a better lock onto me as he pounded into me. His back hooves stomping and kicking at the grass as he panted. "I'm close y/n, are you sure you want... ah, a foal?" His pace getting more uneven with each thrust. "Y-yes, please fill me up Evander~!" He leaned down and held me again with his final thrust, pumping into me. We panted out and leaned into each other. He slowly pulled out and got off of me, letting me put my legs down. He walked around and laid next to me in a yin yang sort of position. I laid my upper half on his back and he did the same to me. I gently traced my fingers down his spine as we slowly relaxed. "I couldn't ask for a better queen. Always know that..." I could hear him softly snore after his words. Making what he said feel more real. As the truth comes out more when you're tired. I slowly fell asleep with a smile on my face from his words.

1,251 words
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