Lizardfolk (L)

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The tavern was busy tonight, more so than y/n was used to. She was bussing tables as fast as she could with her other beer maidens. Trying to turn down the drunken patrons that were slurring their flirts as nicely as she could. Throughout the night, she's been watched from the sidelines. Her friend Marianne caught y/n in the kitchen, putting a soft hand on her shoulder as she spoke. "Hey Y/n, have you seen the reptile in booth six? He's been staring at you since he got here." Y/n looked through the tiny window of the kitchen door, seeing the lizardman staring back at her. He smirks as they make eye contact. This caused the beer maid to blush and duck away from the window. She turned back to her friend, "I hadn't noticed..." "I'm willing to give the table up if you want to serve him." Marianne laughed as she nudged y/n with her shoulder. "GIRLS!" The cook shouted, catching the attention of the maids. "Quit gossiping and bring out these plates!" The girls straightened and grabbed their trays. As she left the kitchen, she glanced at the lizardman again before trying to focus back on her job. While serving a table, she felt a hand on her butt and heard the drunken laugh from behind her. "You're really cuuuute." She felt her skin crawl as she moved away, glaring at the random man. "Don't put your hands on the girls." "Just take the compliment. You're not going to be tipped if you're a bitch." He slurred, a different tone in his voice than from the so called "compliment". She was glaring at him until she saw the tall shadow come from behind him. A thick blue scaled tail wrapped around the man's throat. He started scratching at the tail when he was lifted. "Let me handle this..." The lizardman spoke, he gave y/n a smile full of his sharp teeth but in his eyes there was anger. He walked to the front door with ease as the crowd split for him. He threw the man out with a loud crash after he landed. Then the lizardman walked back to his seat as if nothing had happened. Y/n finished serving her table before she walked to his table while the tavern slowly got back to normal. "Thank you sir. But I don't understand-" "Don't worry about it." He chuckled, cutting her off before she could finish her sentence. "Scum like that really just pisses me off. Thought I helped you out." She nodded another thank you before rushing back to the kitchen.

As the night came to an end, he was the last one there. The cook asked if she was okay to handle him or if he should kick him out before he headed home for the night. She suggested she was probably fine to finish closing up. So the cook left with a skeptical look on his face after he had finished the kitchen closing routine. As she swept the floor, she tried to make small talk with the lizardman. "So what's your name and where ya from? What brings you in? I've never seen you in town before." He smirked, "The name is Dartak and I'm from a tribe far south of here. I'm traveling in look of work." She smiled, "Well I'm not sure of the pay, but if the boss knew of you and what you did earlier. He might take you on for guard here. To deal with the drunks." He lifted a scaly eyebrow at her, "So you're saying you want me around more~?" He teased with a slight chuckle. She blushed, turning away from him with her broom. "I'm sure all the girls would appreciate it. Devin, the cook, doesn't see everything all the time." The reptile's face changed to a more serious look as he held onto that last bit of her sentence. "Well, you'll put in a good word for me right?" He said as he watched her finish sweeping. She leaned the broom against the wall and smiled back at him. "Yes, of course!"
She started walking to the door. Holding it open for him as she waited for him to get up. The warm summer breeze coming into the dim lit tavern. "Would you like a walk home? Pretty dark out here." He asked as he walked out with her. Y/n stayed quiet for a second as she thought it over. Already having dealt with a creep earlier, it could be safer with the tall lizard. She gave him a soft smile and nodded, "Sure. Thank you."

They talked for most of the walk to her small home in the village. She was actually a little sad when she got home because she was having such a nice time with him. "Well, Y/n. Have a good rest of your evening." He gently grabbed her hand, giving it a soft scaly kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow about the job." He said as he put her hand down. Her face was a little red as she looked up at him. "I hope you get it."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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