Cannibal Jack Masterful Plan

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I finally have my eyes set on the masterful prize you been my target all this time.
I see your slacking sherry!!

I guess you forgotten about me wouldn't be a great surprise you and I used to go on adventures then you casted me a side like I was trash.

Sometimes it felt pretty shitty however I learnt the only way to survive in this world is to basically hire a lot of people and get them to do your dirty work.

There a news paper journalist here waiting to find the story however they are the true blackmailer.

I brought them here to create a scandal among the rest of the other guests here waiting for the coronation however twice its been interrupted and there no stopping it now.

My greatest test is to watch my old friend sherry he as been my true target for all this time i also know the identity to the true murderer however you won't see me reveal it because of my own safety.

I also know the person pulling these crimes is none other then a royal she cannot hide the fact her son had a relationship with prostitute and she was pregnant the crown hired mercenaries to steal the prostitutes and the baby they place the baby in an orphanage the prostitute was sent to an asylum.

We're they performed a medical procedure to hammer a small sliver stake to frontal lube and to the left and one to the right it was a cure for dementia.

As for the baby it was in an orphanage when it came to age it ran away and really she fled into the broffle house she worked her way through the streets till she had enough money to buy her self classes to be a governess then she worked for the crawfords for a little while then she left.

Suddenly after the fake lady cassandra
Died she had no need to stay at the mannor so she left in a carriage.
Now she returned almost ruined my game how ever I slipped her a tiny bit of Laudanum made her sleep.

However my true task is only just beginning
But then again death comes to all eventually just a matter of when.

As for my master plan readers you will have to wait and see as for lord Crawford he still pretty much alive and he here in the manner house.

But enough said I will end my master plan here so you just have to wait for it to unfolds mwahaha bwahahahah hahahaha mwuahahahaha!!!!!!!

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