The True Hire To The Throne

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Upon my arrival to my mother mansion, I found myself in a vague place. The place made me sick because it held too many bad memories, but now I am back.
Am the rightful hire all though my mother was a right rake she was a curb crawler.

She often told me adventures of siger holmes and  Bartholomy there wild adventures trying to make the whole nation clean from provity clean the streets of the unwashed.

However, she told me the truth one night, I received a phone call, and she told me she was going to die she told me someone after dethroning her I thought it was something to do with old she is.

My mother explains that her hand is comprised she needs to get out.
She told me I have a sister called Agatha and a younger brother and sister there twins.
She later told me to prevent tragedy and a global disaster. I have to take the throne.

However, I must now learn royal duties
So I started my training.
However, before I disclosed that information, she decided to tell me something of interest she said, "You're the son of siger holmes. you're also the crowded prince of Gillard family.

I said I didn't want out to do with my family on neither side.
However, the phone line went dead, which left me feeling guilty.

So I summoned the coach man to take me to my to the queen house.
Upon my arrival, I saw some of the guests talking in the foyer. They were like, "Who is that? Then the royal
Guard took me upstairs and informed me that the queen coronation was interrupted by mass murders upon the guests.

He said to me, "Are you sure you want to be here while everyone is dying left right and center I said to him, "Make my mom this special tea and ask the maids to serve it with crumpets that's how my mother likes her tea.

So the real prince hidden in plain site people often found him strange he always hidden in the back reading book.
However, on the day of the dance, macabre I saw the disgust look upon my mother face that the detective did not find the killer when, in fact, there was more than one killer here at hand.

However, I am about to confront the detective at the ball and dress as a woman to disguise all though I watched sherlock disguise as sailors wrenches and more.

So I may have picked up a few things, plus if it wasn't for Doctor watsons books and adventures of their cases that actually made good books.

My mother used to let me accompany Doctor watson on many of his adventures he taught me medicine and how to cure the sick from all types of illness.

Thanks to Watson, I am educated in that area he even taught me some of the complicated cases they solved in return. I taught him the art of disguise.

He gave me pointers to talk to sherlock, and he said don't give eye contact let him lead.
To pass him notes, hand him the dance card, then bow and leave.

That way, I can leave without letting anyone else know that I am the crowning prince.

I have to unite  the nation. First, I have to declare the Queen is passed away and then set in motion to evacuate the manner that way I can spare lives if i also have a plan b if anything goes wrong.

I get ready to make my way to the ball room.

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