Chapter Seven

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The first break had felt like it had flown by as they continued to laugh, as soon as the bell went everyone in the group took their time to get to their next lesson.

Lola and Tullah linked arms.

"Come on, Brad. We'll love you even if you do have a popcorn dick." Lola called out as she reached out her free hand.

Brad slung the strap of his bag over his shoulder, he cut into the middle of the two girls "You need to stop listening to Cleo."

"Stop listening to me about what?" Cleo perked up as she broke her hug from Essac.

"What do you think, Cleo?" Brad huffed.

"What?" Cleo played dumb as she linked arms with Tullah.

"Telling everyone I have a popcorn dick."

"Yo, that wasn't me. Gooey said that to everyone. I just said you did the popcorn trick." Cleo tried to but failed miserably at fending for herself.

Brad rolled her eyes "Cleo, I know you. Just cause we fucked in the cinema doesn't mean you have the right to lie about me."

"I didn't lie" Cleo continued to fend for herself.

"Fuck off, Cleo. You lied. You've seen my dick how many times now? Monday was the first time you said I had a popcorn dick."

Tullah felt uncomfortable as she stayed in the middle of the two.

Cleo shrugged as she realised her lie had been caught out.

"If I'm bad than just tell me."

Lola laughed.

The three of them twisted their attention to Lola.

"What? Soz, Brad but come on what guy wants to hear that his bad? Gooey's bad, like his real bad. You think I'm going to tell him? Nah. lesson learnt, no one likes to be told their bad." Lola began her steps.

Brad felt a tug of his arm as he took Lola's cue, Tullah and Cleo walked side by side as Tullah kept her arm around Brad's waist.

The four of them walked towards the science building, taking their time even though they only had to walk a metre from their picnic spot.

The four of them noticed students walking into a classroom, neither of the four rushed inside as they walked towards those students.

The four of them snuck into the classroom as the students begun to sit down, Mr L sat down on his desk.

Mr L looked out of place as a teacher, he had the physique of a sports player. His shirt stuck tight to his upper muscle while his shorts looked like they'd rip if any more pressure was applied. His sneakers looked like they were name brand but couldn't tell from the dirt and wet grass covering his shoes.

For a teacher, Mr L felt quite relaxed. He didn't freak out the students if they rocked up to class late or if they didn't do their homework. He didn't care, if his students chose to fail on their own accord.

Mr L studied his students faces, they just as much interest in science as he did. Even Mr L was surprised that he had to teach science.

It felt like time was moving slowly as Mr L took a moment to let his class to allow themselves to settle themselves down.

The class started to quieten down by themselves, they slowly moved their attention to Mr L.

"Right. Good." Mr L reached behind him for his laptop "I have a PowerPoint to show you than we'll discuss." He placed his laptop on his lap "Brian."

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