Chapter Eleven

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Tullah stepped off the bus and began her short walk to her back gate, she felt her body tense up, She felt the fear of going home run through her body. Her breathing struggled to stay with a rhythm, her heartbeat raced inside her chest.

She jumped at the sound of a loud car engine racing towards her.

Tullah breathed heavily as the car raced past her; not his.

She checked the road both ways before crossing to her house, Tullah reached her hand through the small cut out of the gate and unlatched the gate before pulling her hand out and pushing the gate open enough for her to fit through.

Tullah closed the gate as softly as she possibly could, she felt her heartbeat without fear as she didn't see his car. Her gut began to tell her that he wasn't at home yet.

She noticed her clothes thrown over the backyard, she sensed he had come back home while she was at school.

Tullah made her way to her clothes, picking up and shaking each item out to rid itself of bugs or flowers and leaves that had fallen from the trees. She hung up the ones that felt wet while kept the dry ones in her hand.

Tullah made her way through the backdoor, she didn't say anything to her mum who was sitting on the lounge watching tv.

Tullah swallowed her words as she walked up the hallway. She pushed open her bedroom door, the dishes were gone.

She smiled a little as she dumped her clothes on her bed.

Tullah sensed her mum had taken them out, but she couldn't be sure, she shrugged off her bag and dumped it on her bed.

Tullah pulled out her water bottle from bag as she kicked off her shoes. She walked back down the hallway.

Her mum turned her attention to her "I took them out of your room, but you still need to do the dishes."

Tullah nodded slightly as she turned into the kitchen. She smiled a little at the sight of a spotless kitchen.

She filled up her water bottle before putting in the fridge, she grabbed one of her cold water bottles out of the fridge before closing the fridge door.

"If you want your uniform washed, wash it now." Her mum chimed.

Tullah nodded slightly before walking back to her room.

She closed her bedroom door and exhaled her fear deeply as she rested her body against the closed bedroom door.

Tullah could still feel her heart race against her chest as her fear started to subside from her body.

She pulled off her school shirt, leaving on her singlet. She pulled off her skirt before grabbing a pair of leggings from the pile on her bed and pulling them on.

Tullah pushed the clothes onto the floor, she rummaged for her school skirt and dumped it on her bag, she grabbed her school shirt and dumped it on top of her bag. She didn't want to wash either of those.

She pulled her phone charger and the phone out of her bag before pulling her phone into a power plug behind her alarm clock and charging her phone.

Tullah let herself fall back on her bed.

The few blissful moments she had helped her find her ease of balance within her own space, especially the space she wished was her safe space. 

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