You Cant Do This To Yourself

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Mikey layed in bed, covered comfortably in comfy blankets after being forced to stay home. He put Draken in charge until he got back. When that was, he didn't know.

Emma made sure Mikey didn't wear himself out. She wanted him to be ok or healthy as long as possible.

That didn't stop her from crying whenever a petal or two escaped Mikey's mouth.

Mikey however, didn't care. He wanted freedom and he intended to make that happen.

He got up, letting the blankets fall loosely on the bed. Quickly he put some comfortable and casual clothes on, then escaped through the window of his room.

The phone rang after dialing Draken's number but soon stopped once the other male answered the call.

"Hey Mikey, You feeling better? Emma told me that you would be staying home until you got better."

" I don't want to stay home I feel fine, she's being dramatic. I want to hang out, remember that little Cafe? I want to go there."

Mikey heard a small chuckle in response.

"Alright, see you there. I have to make sure you don't get yourself hurt or do something stupid."

" See you there Ken-Chin!"

Draken was the one to hang up in which Mikey quickened his pace to the Cafe. He wanted to get there first, just to rub it in Draken's face.

Unfortunately when Mikey arrived, he found Draken already sitting at a booth and waving him over.

He complied and sat down in front of Draken and pouted.

"What's wrong Mikey?"

" I wanted to get here first so that I could brag about it but you beat me to it."

Draken gave a small chuckle and leaned against the booth seat.

"Not my fault."

Both hung out together, joked around, got a small snack and drink, and went for a walk. Without realizing the sun had begun to set, they continued to enjoy each other's company.

Though the same couldn't be said for Mikey emotionally wise. His chest would feel tighter every now and then but he would continue to ignore it. He refused to let those beautiful, blood stained, wisteria petals escape his mouth. Especially in front of Draken.

He put up with the pain if it meant having a good time, completely worry free, with Draken.

Eventually Draken said he had to go, they then both exchanged goodbyes and headed home.

Once Draken had gone out of sight from Mikey, Mikey ran home. He slammed the door shut once inside, startling Emma in the process, then proceeded to run into the bathroom.

He fell to the ground and held onto the edge of the toilet as he coughed violently. He didn't care that Emma had run to him and saw him in such a state. His body was in to much pain to care.

His body shook from fear and pain, tears began to fill his eyes, he gasped for the air that wouldn't enter his body. The petals were lodged in his throat and he couldn't breathe.

Emma stood behind her brother, gently putting a hand on his back. She was shaking from fear and worry. Worried for her brother's health that seems to be going downhill quite quickly.

His coughing hadn't stopped and his left hand gripped his neck due to him not being able to breathe.

Eventually Mikey had coughed up the "petals." Which weren't petals at all, it was a couple of small wisteria flowers and a clump of wisteria petals. All of the beautiful petals were ruined by blood that turned the purple to a crimson red.

He sat down and leaned against the wall, part of his lip had blood on it, and his breathing was quick and heavy.

Emma sat next to him, quietly.

"Emma calm down.....please..."

Mikey tried to stand up and Emma immediately helped him but she then led him to his room and layed him down in bed, she covered him up then stood near his door.

"Mikey take things easy....that's the worst fit you've had.....i didn't even know it had gotten that bad....."

"Probably cause I hung out with Ken-chin for a while."

He of course made sure he didn't say that out loud, Emma would most likely refuse to let Draken and Mikey hang out.

"Please Mikey.....don't keep doing this to yourself....think about the surgery or hurts to see you like this."

Mikey gave a small nod in which Emma then turned the bedroom light off and gave Mikey a small smile before leaving his room and closing his door.

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