You Kept This From Me, and For What?

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Mikey was rushed to the hospital and the fight was postponed if it were ever to continue . Both gangs were worried about Mikey; even though Valhalla had intentions of killing either Mikey or another gang member, no one could shake off the fact that Mikey coughed blood soaked petals in such an agonizing way. It was too painful to imagine or witness.

No doubt even Hanna felt a small twinge of guilt after being the one to cause such an outburst of Mikey's illness.

Only a handful of people were allowed to visit Mikey in the hospital. Seven visitors a day in total and only one could stay the night with him. Despite the many people who were concerned about him only seven wanted to visit him. The others didn't want to see Mikey in his current state or even remember the incident. The seven who wanted to visit Mikey were simply his sister which was the person who would spend the night with him because she's family, Draken, Baji and Chifuyu, Pah-chin and Peh-yan, and lastly Kazutora.

The number of people or their identities didn't really matter though, Mikey was still unconscious. His body was hooked up to so many different machines to keep his body functioning properly since it was mainly focused on the vines and flowers that were growing within his lungs as the roots grow causing the plants become even more embedded into Mikey's body. Making his recovery rate even lower.

Emma would sit by his sit and cry while being comforted by Peh-yan and Chifuyu. Kazutora stood in the corner of the room with his arms wrapped around his own torso as if trying to comfort his self. Pah-chin stood next to Draken as he looked down at Mikey's seemingly lifeless body. Baji stood at the opposite side of Draken and Pah-chin. And Draken..... his emotions were mixed together so he just stood there while his face changed over and over as if trying to decide or figure out how he really felt about this.

"Why.....why did he keep this from me?! How many of you knew?!"

Draken's hands we're now squeezed into tight fists to the point where his knuckles turned white. Baji and Emma looked away as to not make eye contact.

"He was suffering from this stupid disease and you two said nothing?! Do you not see the state he's in now!  Had you said something he wouldn't been hooked to all of these machines, he wouldn't have had to endure that during the fight!"

"Draken stop, they did it probably because Mikey asked them too. Don't take it out on them."

Pah's hand was on Draken's back in attempt to try to calm his anger though it didn't do very much if anything at all.

"That's supposed to make this right?! Look at him Pah! Mikey is dying because he's in love with someone that doesnt love him back!"

Silence filled the room. Very uncomfortable silence.

"Draken I think it's best if you go...."

"Emma not you too..."

"That's my brother, now either recognize his sacrifices for you and the gang and respect his decisions or leave. I have to as well, he does what he does for you! He does it for the gang! He cares so much that he's willing to kill himself to protect you all! He went against my wishes and went behind my back for you! Don't you dare talk like that when he's laying there on that bed unconscious."

Her body shook as she spoke and as tears streamed down her pale cheeks. Everyone was taken aback that she even said that, let alone to Draken.

"Emma I-"

"Don't Emma me, your blind. Your blind to everything Mikey does. You say he's your best friend and yet you can't see how he feels, what he does, the sacrifices he's made"

Draken stayed silent not knowing how to respond. His face had hints of pain but his body was stiffened as if refusing to back down. In turn Baji, who was full of fury, took a stand then proceeded to grab Draken by the collar of his shirt and pointed to Mikey.

"You want to know why he's there!? It's because of you! Your the one he loves! And you ignored all the hints he gave, so he never confessed! He never expressed himself. If he winds up dying, now you know who is murderer truly is!"

A/N: Hey everyone, I am so sorry for not updating. Life has been hectic but I am still trying. See you in the next chapter of this story or my other story Feelings Don't Know Them. Love you all and thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed!

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