Take Time to Think

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Chifuyu grabbed Baji's arm and pulled him back from Draken with an angry but sad look on his face, "Don't you dare say that to Draken, you know this isn't his fault! I know your upset Mikey is in this state but you can't go blame Draken because he's the one Mikey loves. You can't just make him live with this guilt, what if Mikey did die!? You would live with the fact that you said that to Draken right in front of him knowing he couldn't do anything about it!"

Baji pulled his arm away from Chifuyu and looked away from him with his hands balled up into fists that lay by his sides.

"So what if he lives with that guilt. I don't regret speaking my mind, I said what I said and I meant it. Mikey doesn't deserve to be in this situation, he couldn't help that he loves Draken, but Draken is smart enough to catch onto the constant hints and the silent but relentless cries for help that Mikey tried to give. We couldn't help because we were sworn to secrecy to help 'protect him'. Let him live with the guilt that this is his fault. I'm not wrong, we have our guilt. And now the culprit has his."

Without another word Baji stormed out of the hospital room and left the rest to be with Mikey. Draken stood with utter disbelief plastered on his face, the collar of his shirt scrunched from the grip of Baji's hand, tears dripping down his face. No words could formulate within him.

Emma looked down for a couple minutes before grabbing Draken's hand and pulling him out of the room. "I can't really blame you for not noticing, you didn't even notice my hints when I liked you. I stepped back after realizing my brother suited you more and that you were the only person he would ever love like that, your not family but he would kill for you. I can't say I don't partially agreed with Baji because I completely understand where he stood his ground." Her small frame shook a little as she let out a tiny laugh, " I know you didn't mean any harm , Mikey didn't want you to know. He probably still doesn't, so please at least accept him instead of resenting or treat him differently. Go home and take time to yourself, me and Mitsuya will keep you updated. It's just a lot for you to take in and a lot of anger towards you from everyone else."

He managed a small nod before slowly making his way out of the building. His thoughts clouded with guilt and worry. What would happen if Mikey really did die? Everyone would despise him and he probably wouldn't be able to live with himself. All of those small hints started to become obvious to him now that he understood the small attempts to make Draken aware.

Mikey was like the center of everything, he was the commander of Toman. He could beat anyone to a pulp if they tested him or pushed him too far. He's the one who's name is feared many. And yet he's only 15 and on his deathbed because of some rare one-sided love disease.

They say stars burn out quickly, but maybe it's because they are obstacles or other factors that cause them to fade out, such as Draken who absentmindedly was causing a star to fade. Baji was right, Chifuyu shouldn't have told Baji to knock it off when every word he said needed to be heard.

Draken needed to be told, and maybe if Mikey awakens from his unconscious then Draken will have a chance to apologize and try to make amends. Mikey did a lot for him and he didn't deserve any of this. How he would address this? He had absolutely no idea, he wasn't gay as far as he knew. Mikey needed his love reciprocated or the surgery. How could Draken help Mikey when he didn't have many options, he could either try or let Mikey go through the pain of never loving anyone again. He would even look at his little sister with no love for her.

All Draken could do was hope Emma or Mitsuya texted him or called him to tell him Mikey had woken up. The thought of Mikey dying needed to be rid of from his mind, yes he was hooked up to a bunch of machines to keep him alive but Mikey was still alive, he still breathed and his heart still heated. It didn't matter if he needed assistance, he still was alive. At least for the time being.

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