Coffee girl

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Kaz breaker X Fem!reader

Kaz Brekker was never one to be in awed, at least not visibly.

He had never shown interest in anything, other than money. Or at least that was what Nina and Jesper thought.

Until they came upon Kaz Brekker who was seen standing in front of a café, he was watching through the glass at something. If someone had told Jesper that he was starring at a girl, he would've laughed and dismiss at the thought, but yet here he was. Watching the Kaz Brekker, staring at a girl who was serenading the customers of the café.

"You're practically drooling from looking at her, come on! We can set you two up, we'll make sure everything is very romantic, you'll love it—" "I don't think so," Kaz shook his head in disapproval.

"Besides, there's nothing to her that appeals to me. I must head somewhere now, you two better stop with the plans of trying to set me and her up."

That was one of the many lies that Kaz had told in his life. In fact, he was intrigued by her, not just because of her voice. He was charmed by her appearance as well. As one may say, she had sweep him right off his feet and that was rare.

In all honesty, Kaz had no excuse as to why everyday he'd stop by the café and stand behind the glass as he did on the first day. Just standing there for hours until the girl's shift had ended. It was late, the sun had set an hour ago and yet here he was. He had no excuse for why he was standing behind the glass now. He watched as the girl started to pack her things, he watched as the café was cleaning up and was getting ready to close.

He decided that it was time for him to go back home, he turned away from the glass and as he walked through the streets of Ketterdam. He walked past a dark alleyway, he heard some noises, people speaking in the dark. "I heard your pretty voice... you must get so much money for that. Now, give it," a deep voice spoke, one could clearly hear the demand. Kaz was about to intervene, until he heard a girl screamed out 'Help!', causing him to rush in the alleyway.

He watched what was happening in front of him, there were two guys both holding some sort of makeshift knife in their hands. They were surrounding a girl, that was when he realised, it was the girl from the café. "Haven't you heard, that's not how you should treat a lady. I suggest you put away your pathetic excuse of a knife and walk away," Kaz spoke out in the dark, his eyes pierced through the two men in front of him. If looks could kill, they'd be dead by now.

"What makes you think we'll listen to you," one of the guys slowly walked up to him holding the knife up. "You've got a cane, you can barley walk. What are you going to do?"

"You're right. I do have a cane," Kaz replied and just as the man came close to him. He moved in a swift motion and used to cane to trip the man, making sure to kick away the knife that had dropped on the floor. "Hey!" the other guy spoke as he rushed towards Kaz, attempting to stab him. Keyword in attempting, he failed miserably as Kaz hit him with the cane and punched him straight in the face. Once the man had fell down onto the ground, Kaz kicked him hard to the point where the man's ribs were broken.

Kaz turned to look towards the girl in front of him, who was on the ground and looking as if she was going to cry any second. "Are you alright?" Kaz asked her as he walked towards her.

All she did was nod and looked behind him towards the two men who just a few seconds ago was going to rob her. "Thank you..." she whispered to him as she stood up and brushed off her outfit.

She had finally got a closer look at the saviour in front of her, that was when she realised "You're the man who'd usually stand in front of the café..."

Kaz's face flushed red, he was relieved that the alleyway was dark or he'd be even more embarrassed. "I... yes, that is me. I suppose that you've charmed me with your voice," he replied to her, slightly smiling. To his surprise, she smiled back at him, "Well, I'm glad to make your days slightly better with my singing. I must head home, it's getting rather late. Thank you for helping me. Maybe I can buy you some drinks at the café?"

Kaz nodded to that request, "Let me walk you home."

Her house wasn't far off from the café, it was around a ten to fifteen minute walk. Throughout their walk towards her house, he had learned that the girl's name was y/n. The first thing he thought of was the fact that how could a name fit someone so much. The more he continued to talk to her, the more mesmerised he was. The more he was falling harder.

When Jesper and Nina had heard about the fact that he had finally talked to her, they never stopped bothering him about it. "We knew it! You like her, don't you. We can see that look in your eyes, it's different from when you look at money, it's something more important than money kind of look," Jesper rambled on and continued to give reasons as to how they knew he liked her.

As always, Kaz would roll his eyes, but Jesper and Nina weren't entirely wrong, he did like her. A lot. Kaz shook his head at both of them when they started to talk about plans for dates, "I don't even think she'd want to be with me. Besides, she's only nice to me because I saved her life."

"That's not true! Why would she continue to talk to you and invite you to the café, even after she had coffee with you the day after the attempted robbery. She wants to continue whatever you two have going on and I think she likes you back!" Nina told him, she smiled at the fact that she could always notice the skip in y/n's heart whenever she talked to Kaz.

Nina had stalked Kaz before, whenever she was free to watch him and y/n at the café. She must admit, it's a little creepy, but she wanted to see more of their relationship. She wanted to see why Kaz had fallen head over heels for her.

Which was why, Nina and Jesper was here standing at the opposite corner of where Kaz was sitting at in the café. They had heard that y/n had invited Kaz to the café for a surprise and were curious as to what could be. Soon enough they got their answer as y/n got up to stand behind the microphone, "I wrote this song a few days ago... about a special someone who saved my life. I hope you all enjoy this."

"There I was again tonight

Forcing laughter, faking smiles

Same old tired, lonely place

Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy

Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you"

Everything almost felt like a dream to Kaz, he was staring in disbelief as y/n watched his reaction while she was singing him. Singing to him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn't help, but smile back at her when she looked at him. That smile that she gave him, he wish he could see it forever.

As the song was coming to a finish, he was still in the same position he was in when it started. 'She likes me back,' those were the words that kept repeating in his mind. He waited as everyone in the café left and it was just him sitting at his table, he waited for her to approach him after she had gathered all her things.

A tap was felt on his shoulders, causing him to turn around. It was y/n, he stood up his seat and guided them out of the café. The streets were quiet like always, it was late and everyone had headed home already. As he was leading her back to her home, they walked side to side in comfortable silence before someone broke it.

"Did you like my song?" y/n asked him, her hands holding tightly to the straps of her purse. y/n knew the answer, it was yes, of course it was yes, the smile that he gave her during the song gave her huge relief.

He stopped walking to turn to look towards her, what he told her was everything she needed to hear. Maybe even more.

"I was enchanted to meet you too"

Word count

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