i love when you smile ❤️

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Jesper Fahey was known for being something of a loud and talkative soul, and sometimes this got him into trouble. Often you could ignore it, laugh it off or tease the boy when he had been called into Kaz's quarters for a stern talking to. It wasn't often that Jesper's incapability to be quiet came to have an effect on you, though, you knew eventually the trouble Jesper brought with him would catch up to you as well.

"You're partnering me up with Jesper?" You weren't mad, rather surprised at the news you had received from the bastard of the barrel. Kaz intended to complete a job by pairing both you and Jesper together, and you could by no means understand why he thought this was a good idea. You tolerated Jesper, laughed at his jokes, and spent enough time with him to be called friends, but you had never done a job together before—you wanted to keep it that way.

"You'll keep him in check" Kaz doesn't bother looking at you, he doesn't have the time to do so. You have come to believe that Kaz just doesn't like people and would do his best to avoid interaction with them at all costs.

"How do you know I'm capable of that?" Your question is genuine. You don't believe you can be the one to keep Jesper Fahey in line, quite frankly you don't think that anyone can, and you're not fond of babysitting.

"Because if you don't, you'll die" Kaz's words come sharp and were not at all what you expected in response. It certainly wasn't a comforting statement, but it was an inspiring one.

"You're sending me on a job that you know will lead me to my death?" You take a step forward but with the slightest tilt of Kaz's head at your approach, you think the better of it.

"If you can keep Jesper in check, you won't see death just yet." His tone is dismissive, and you know he wishes you to leave. It's irritating how much of a hold Kaz has over his entire crew, everyone never daring to protest his methods. There isn't anything you can say to change the mind of Kaz Dirtyhands Brekker and there never will be, so you do what is expected of you and leave the room, and Kaz, behind.

Almost as if on cue, Jesper appears comically from down the hall, turning to walk in the direction which you're headed once he sees you. "You excited about our job?" He seems to bounce rather than walk, and you take note of this for later in case it comes to be something dangerous to the span of your life.


"Come on," Jesper dares to sling an arm around your shoulder, grinning like a madman. "it's our first job together, it'll be fun."

"Jobs aren't supposed to be fun, Jes".

Jesper just chuckles, removing his arm from around you, opting to walk backward at your side so he can get a better look at you. "Now, Y/N, that's not the right attitude."

You raise a brow, deciding to humour the boy as you head to the stairs. Perhaps you could push him down them and find a new partner—preferably one of few words.

"You need to enjoy life, these jobs, they can be fun I promise," He pauses, turning to walk forward once more before glancing your way. "I'll show you."

"You'll show me?" You know you're walking way too fast down the staircase, going the greatest pace you can without running. Jesper, curse his long legs, keeps up with you just fine.

"I'll show you just how enjoyable Kaz's jobs can be."

This is a terrifying statement. It's settling upon you now just how almost imminent your death will be on this job. Jesper seems utterly unfazed by the concept, and you wonder whether Kaz had specified the dangers to the boy as he had you. Most likely he had, but Jesper just hadn't been paying attention.


When the day of the job finally arrived, you were sleep deprived and highly strung, two things you most definitely should not have been, but were. The concept of death at the fault of Jesper Fahey's rather loud personality had kept you awake thinking of all the ways you could keep the boy quiet and focused. You had thought of only two options so far, tying him up and shoving a cloth in his mouth, and of course, killing him. But you couldn't do either of those things to Jesper, he was your friend after all, and you would never be able to find it in yourself to hurt him beyond the friendly punch of an arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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