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Kaz brekker X Fem!reader

Kaz looked around at the three crows standing before him. Well, Jesper was standing - Inej and Y/N were both awkwardly leaning on him, desperately trying to not fall over onto the wet cobbles.

"Kaz, look at them, we can't walk back to Ketterdam tonight - we need to hide low for a bit," Jesper said, looking at him with surprisingly serious eyes.

Kaz looked at Inej. Blood was staining her upper right arm, turning her blue shirt red. She was standing but swayed as if she was on a boat ever so often.

He looked at Y/N, blood soaking her thigh and dripping down the side of her head. Jesper was, probably, the only thing holding her up on her feet and he could see the temptation to pass out in her tired, sluggish eyes.

"Fine," Kaz said, knowing Jesper had a point. Unfortunately. "We stay the night, get patched up, and then go back to Ketterdam. But be on guard," he said, stepping forward to face Jesper. "We're risking a lot staying here tonight."

"You mean you are," Jesper said, not backing down. His eyes moved from Kaz's face to the satchel over Kaz's shoulder that contained the gold statue they'd stolen. "Is that truly worth risking Y/N and Inej's life over?"

"You know the answer, Jes," Y/N muttered, dropping her head onto his shoulder and closing her eyes. "Can we just get inside before it -"

A loud boom of thunder drowned Y/N's words out and rain began falling. It wasn't heavy and fast - it was the finer rain that soaked you in an instant.

"Before it starts raining," Y/N finished, slumping as the water soaked through clothes.

Kaz swooped his wet hair back, combing it through with his gloved hand. "Come on."

He limped off down the slippery road, his cane hitting the cobbles getting quieter as he quickly walked down the road.

"How, exactly, does he expect us to get to the inn?" Jesper asked, looking at the two women he was holding up. "I know I'm a fabulous person but I do only, in fact, have two hands."

Y/N swallowed, trying to fight the nausea whirling around her, as she pushed herself up off Jesper and onto her feet. "When one of us keels over, switch."

"Y/N, don't be ridiculous," Inej said, letting go of Jesper. "You're the one with a bullet wound to your thigh."

"Yeah, I'm also incredibly stubborn, Inej," Y/N said, giving her a wink that was more of a blink.

Y/N inhaled deeply and began to follow after Kaz, dragging her right leg behind her as she limped forward.

"They're both as fucking stubborn as the other," Jesper said, despair and a bit of surprise in his voice.

"The Saints put them both on this forsaken earth for each other yet made them too stubborn and idiotic to realise," Inej replied, shaking her head.

"Match made in Saintly heaven," Jesper muttered, adjusting his hat before holding his arm out to Inej. "Come on, I want to see if she makes it to the inn or collapses at Kaz's feet."


Y/N made it to the doorway of the village inn before her leg gave way and she fell to the muddy floor. She hissed in pain, grappling for grip on the wall of the inn as she tried to get her feet underneath her again.


A gloved hand appeared in her vision. Y/N put her hand in Kaz's - the pain clouding her thoughts as his fingers wrapped around her wrist and pulled her up to her feet. She wobbled and Kaz tightened his grip. If she hadn't been in so much pain, she would've noticed the effort and pain on Kaz's face as he fought the urge to rip his hand away and retreat into himself.

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