Snowy Days

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Today, snow fell in Ketterdam and covered the streets in the white, fluffy snowflakes. It lightened up the city and gave it a glittering, light view. The crows had decided to take a couple of weeks of over the Christmas holiday and now you all sat inside at the slat. You spent the days drinking hot chocolate, reading, cooking, playing games or just talking, all cuddled up in blankets and warm, cozy clothes.
Kaz had sent Wylan to get some groceries, despite the snowy weather. Wylan had just made a stiff nod, pulled the coat around himself tighter and walked out to get Kaz what he needed. You sat downstairs, all cuddled up in blankets with a book propped up on your bent knees. The door opened and Wylan came back in. White clouds off snow laid in his curly hair and a few single snow flakes had gotten stuck on his eye lashes. His cheeks and nose was covered in a blush from the cold. You met his eyes as he walked inside and gave him a soft smile before he walked up the stairs to tell Kaz he'd returned. The stairs creaked when he climbed them and you heard his every step.
A few moments later he returned and Kaz had come down with him. Nina had started cocking in the kitchen with Inej and Matthias sat there talking with them. Jesper had retreated back to his room to get some blankets. Wylan and Kaz plopped down at your table and Wylan pulled his gloves off and pulled a hand through his damp curls. A shiver traveled along his spine from the cold.
"Here. Take this," you said and pulled a blanket from beside you and gave it to him. He gave you a thankful smile and threw it over his shoulders, burying himself in the comforting warmth.
"I'll go check if they need any help in the kitchen," you stated as you marked the page in your book and put in on the table. You pushed yourself off the chair and rounded the table. On your way you placed your blanket around Kaz's shoulders and he gave you a surprised look. Sure, you two were close but it was cold in the slat and he would have preferred if you would have kept it yourself so you wouldn't get cold. But on the other hand, he didn't complain either. The blanket was cozy and it carried a faint smell of your shampoo. A small smile made its way to his lips when he watched you walk away to the kitchen.
Nina's, Inej's, Matthias' and your voices could be heard out to Kaz and Wylan. Y/N kindly asked if they needed help with anything but both Nina and Inej smiled and said that they managed.
Soon, hurried steps were heard from the stairs and when you all looked towards the noice, Jesper showed up with a mountain of blankets in his arms. He smiled a greeting smile when he passed the door to the kitchen and then almost tripped over a chair at the bar. Wylan burst out in giggles and Kaz was wearing an amused smiled. You came up behind him and walked over to the table again. Jesper sat down beside Wylan and you took your old spot again. The chair was still warm and Jesper threw you a blanket over the table.
"Thanks Jes," you smiled and wrapped the blanket around your shoulders. He gave you a smiley nod as he threw an arm around Wylan who blushed slightly at Jespers action.
Soon Nina, Inej and Matthias came to join you all at the table, hands filled with plates of stacked waffles. You smiled at Inej as she sat down beside you and you carefully pulled away a strand of hair that fell into her face. She gave you thankful smile.
"Let's eat, shall we," Nina said, excitedly. She didn't wait for an answer before she reached over the table and took a pair of waffles in her hand. One she gave away to Matthias and the other she took a big bite of. She hummed satisfied and Matthias chuckled at her. The rest of you took a waffle each too, Kaz carefully breaking off pieces that he put into his mouth while the rest of you just ate right off. You talked a bit with Wylan through the chewing, he asked you about your books that you were reading. Jesper threw a comment here and there but mostly he talked with Inej about the last heist they'd done. It'd gone well and you wondered if the museum had even noticed that the painting was gone. Kaz sat quiet, watching his crows with a fond gaze. But mostly, it rested on you. The way your e/c eyes reflected the dim light from the candles on the table. Your h/c hair that shined, even in the dark. Your bright smile as you talked to Wylan about your beloved books and all the fictional characters that lived in the different worlds you got to explore by turning the pages. It was fascination how some printed words on a paper could give you such entertainment and happiness. But Kaz din't complain. You were happy and at peace in your own little bubble. You could just relax and live yourself into someone else's life. And Kaz loved to see you like that. Just happy and carefree. He was so occupied with watching you that he din't realise Nina was talking to him.
"Huh?" he mumbled and turned to look at the brown haired heartrender. Nina smirked at his reaction.
"I said, don't you want more waffles?" she smirked and gave a nod towards the plates with waffles.
"Oh, um, right. Sure," he said and picked up a new waffle. He broke off a pice and put it in his mouth and raised his eyebrows at Nina who was still watching him. "What?" he asked and made a gesture for Nina to explain.
"No, nothing. I just never thought that I'd get to see The bastard of the barrel admire... someone," she smirked. Kaz sighted at her and turned away, locking his gaze on the table and shaking his head lightly. Now the whole table were watching them quietly, everyone's gazes gave him a suffocating feeling.
"I have... paperwork," Kaz mumbled and stood up from the chair. He grabbed his cane, took the last bite of his waffle and took off towards the stairs. The blanket he'd had wrapped around his shoulders fell off in the process and hung itself over the chair. Everyone watched as he took off upstairs before he disappeared around the corner.
"Okay, what was that about?" you asked and turned to Nina. She shrugged her shoulders,"he's so sensitive to being vulnerable," she complained and slumped back in her chair. She took a bite of her waffle and chewed slowly. You sighted but smiled softly, "I know. But it's Kaz. He just is that way," you said softy and let out a chuckle,"I'll go see if he's alright." Nina nodded and Inej gave you a reassuring smile.
You stood from your chair and thanked Nina and Inej for the wonderful waffles. Then you rounded the table, picked up the blanket Kaz had been wearing around his shoulders on your way as you headed for the stairs.
Kaz's door was closed and it looked like he hand't even bothered to turn the light on because there was no light shining through the door spring. You sighted softly and knocked three times on the door. It wasn't loud but they seemed to echo in the hallway. A muffled 'come in' was heard and you pushed the door open. Inside, the room was bathing in darkness. Kaz was standing with his back toward you, facing the window and resting his gaze on the view of a snow-covered Ketterdam. You quietly pushed the door shut and then you turned around to look at him. His hair was a mess, as if he'd been pulling his hand through it a lot. His back and shoulders were tense and his hands rested infront of him on the top of the crow's head on his cane.
"Are you alright?" you mumbled softly and took a few careful steps towards him. Kaz remained quiet, he didn't even turn to look at you. After a few minutes of complete silence you let out a soft sight. The blanket you hand in your hands you placed over his shoulders as you walked around him, placing yourself infront of him. If he was surprised at your actions, he didn't show it.
"Look at me," you begged, your tone soft and kind. He stood still as a statue for a moment, not moving a limb. Then, with rigid movements, he looked down on you, his crystal-clear eyes meeting yours. You offered him a gentle smile and Kaz seemed to relax, if not just a bit.
You knew Kaz, if he didn't want to talk, he wouldn't. So you turned around, looking out through the window, watching the, for once, peaceful Ketterdam. You don't know how long the two of you stood there in silence, just admiring the view. Without warning, you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, and when you glanced down, you could see the famous leather gloves. You smiled for yourself. Kaz didn't say a word, but you knew what he meant with the simple gesture.
Thank you

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