Dont let go

978 22 3

Kaz Brekker X Reader

     "Walking on a roof is so not a Jesper talent!" Jesper complained, his voice barely audible over the wind.

     The walkway along the building's roof was thin, a foot at the max, but if Inej could do it with ease - the others could manage, right?  Kaz thought so when this route became their only method of escape.  Now he scolded himself for forgetting that his crew could occasionally become a band of babbling and bumbling idiots.  That paired with a vicious wind felt like a recipe for disaster.

     "There must be another way!" Matthias groaned, calling out over the wind that whipped around them.

     "There is no other way." Kaz yelled back, not daring to look over his shoulder at the Fjerdan, for fear of throwing his balance off.

     "Are you sure?"

     Kaz snarkily replied, "No, there was also a tunnel system but I thought this would be nicer - of course it's the only damn way!"

     The sky was dark, the moonlight just slightly illuminating their very narrow path.  Inej took up the front, skilled as ever, and passed instructions to Y/N who walked directly behind her.  These instructions were then passed to Kaz and made their way down their little train - Jesper, Wylan, Nina, and finally their not so little caboose, Matthias.

     The wind howled violently around them, thrashing at their clothing, just barely almost knocking half of them off the roof.  But they persevered, pushing farther down the little beam.

     Over the wind, Kaz could just barely hear Inej call to Y/N, "Be careful ahead, a bunch of nails are sticking out."

     The message passed down the line and the group steadily trekked on.  It was difficult, trying to feel for nails sticking out of the wood in the darkness.  They all waved their foot around before they put down a step, making sure they wouldn't trip or impale their foot.  Someone stepping on a nail or falling off the roof was the last thing they needed right now.

     More often than he'd like to admit, Kaz found himself wanting to reach out to steady Y/N when she began to lose her balance.  His heart jumped every time the girl swayed with the wind.

     "Can you stop that?" Kaz choked out, his eyes glued to the girl's back.

     "Stop what?"

     "Ditzing around."

     "I'm feeling for nails Kaz, watch your own feet." Y/N snapped in response.

     When they first approached the beam, their last option for escape, Kaz originally intended on following Inej himself, then making the others go behind him.  It was only right, he was their leader.  But when he saw how tiny the plank was and how strong the winds were, he realized he wouldn't be able to turn around to check on the people behind him.

     So instead, he let selfishness rear its ugly head and insisted on Y/N going ahead of him.  Since that moment, he kept his eyes anxiously trained on the girl's back.  They weren't close - she was just a Crow and just Jesper's best friend.  Yet Kaz felt a magnetic pull towards her vibrating in his chest, constantly drawing him closer and closer to her.

     It was exhausting, having to constantly analyze his every action every time she walked into a room.  Her arm was always looped through Jesper's, the friends giggling like school children, and Kaz had to forcibly redirect his gaze.  Sometimes he felt as though his body and mind were disconnected.  The former always gravitated towards her - his eyes searched for her in every room and without fail he always found himself sitting next to her at meetings or paired together on a heist.  His brain vehemently objected, desperately trying to mentally distance himself from the girl.  A war was raging inside his very body.

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