9. Shit, Can Cats Not Have Tuna?

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I'm officially back baby ;)
Long ass A/N at the end of this chapter, but it includes changes I've made to the story, so please read!


This cat was unfortunately going to be the death of me

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This cat was unfortunately going to be the death of me.

"Please Herold, please let go." I whined, trying to shake off the kitty's death grip it currently had on my dress pants... with its teeth.

We were in an all out war over the second can of tuna I refused to feed him.

"I'm not even supposed to be giving you this to begin with!" I tried to level with the feline. "Your father will probably kill me if he found out."
The look Herold was giving me told me he didn't believe a word of what I just said. "Okay so maybe he won't kill me, but he'll surely be disappointed, and hell, that might be worse."

Herold's hold on my pants refused to let up even after all my begging and leg shaking, and maybe it was the exhaustion seeping in from the heavy work day, but I soon accepted defeat.

Once that aluminum can hit the wooden floors, Herold detached himself in an instant. All his attention went to the food in front of him, and honestly? I understood.

I had been a bit late to check on him tonight, because everyone had to stay late for some mandatory overtime. Was this unheard of at Ivanov Corp? No, not really. We did however, for the first time ever, get the run down of why we had to stay late. Looks like Alex really was making some changes for the better. It's like the office staff now had an inside man.

By the time I made it back to feed Herold, it was going on six in the evening. I had meant to just feed him and leave, but something else convinced me to stay. I'd like to think it was the softer more kinder meows in protest once I tried to slip my shoes back on, but from the corner of my eye, I caught sight of something else.

Amidst John's glorious home, was a large bookshelf tucked into the corner of his living room. I hadn't thought much of it considering the first few rows looked like encyclopedias.

Something I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

How often are those things updated anyways? And do you just keep buying new sets every few years if they do get updated? What's the scoop on the encyclopedia business, cause it kinda sounds like a scam...

But there was something else there. As I moved closer, I realized that the fun assortment of colors was just what I predicted.

The spines of comics.

"No way." I whispered to myself as my fingers grazed across what looked like every issue of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics. Below them were just more and more... comics?

I was so enthralled by John's collection, I barely noticed Herold rubbing up against my legs. Instead, I slumped to the ground cross legged with a comic book in one hand, while the other rubbed the kitty's now full stomach. Hesitantly first of course, until I felt Herold relax against me more.

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