28. Is This Me?

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Double upload cause it's the weekend, babyyy
(This also means I hastily edited this, so my apologies for any errors m'loves)
Warning: Explicit Content
(kinda sorta a bit, maybe. You be the judge lol)


John sat across from me at my glass circular dining room table

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John sat across from me at my glass circular dining room table. He was watching on as I scarfed down my third serving of this greatness.

I was fucking in love. With the ratatouille I mean.

This stuff was- wow. Just wow.

John had since finished his plate. He did some light clean up in the kitchen, even though I insisted I could take care of it later, but he simply looked at me and asked whether the dishes in the dish washer were clean or dirty.

Sensing defeat, I replied with "dirty."

It was safe to say he was much quicker at cleaning than I was, because he was done and seated again in no time.

"So," John said, drawing my gaze up from my plate to his, "I promised I'd explain the Pierre thing."

I slowly nodded, completely forgetting all about that. I had been... distracted. My thoughts went back to just half an hour ago, when John was in between my legs...

I felt myself getting hard again, as my gaze cast back down to my plate.

Then I thought about just how hard John was in my hand.... The sounds he made when I started moving up and down him... Dear god I was praying that we weren't done for the night.

"We had some joint savings accounts together." He explained. I looked up, forcing myself to concentrate on his words, but then my gaze fell to his lips and my mind went elsewhere momentarily. "He just wants to access some of that money to invest with, or whatever. He's a CFO for an up and coming tech company, I think he wants to do some business investments, which is fine. He's good at what he does and most of the money is his."

John relaxed back in his seat. He had to unbutton another button while he was cleaning because the oven had made the place warm, so I could see more of that insanely chiseled chest. It had also made my home smell so goddamn comforting. I wanted this aroma to stay forever.

"Anyways, Don's taking care of it." John added.

I slowly nodded, taking another bite of the ratatouille. Well that made sense. I felt kinda stupid for getting so worked up about it.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, forcing myself to chew and swallow first. "Sorry for prying."

"Once again, If you thought that was prying, you'd be surprised what some people feel comfortable asking," he replied.

That made me feel warm. I was glad I hadn't completely ruined whatever moment we had tonight by literally saying his exes name during it. That had to make like top ten fails ever during an intimate moment.

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