14. If You Were A Man, Would You Find Me Hot?

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I made this chapter a lil longer cause we got some serious fluffy ground to cover these next few chapters before we get into the real steamy stuff.
I'll probably shoot for closer to 2,100 words than my usual 1,500 moving forward.
What can I say
You're welcome ;)
Love y'all to bits, then a million little pieces


"Hey Joan?" I asked, pushing my chair back from my desk to look at her

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"Hey Joan?" I asked, pushing my chair back from my desk to look at her.

"Yes Derek?" She replied, still keeping her eyes glued to her computer screen as she took small sips of her coffee.

"If you were a man, would you find me hot?"

She started coughing abruptly, working to clear her throat before she turned to me from her office space.

"Derek," I heard one of her iconic sighs as she replied. "That question- that..." she sighed again, pulling off her glasses that she really only wore during work hours, and set them on her desk. Then she gently rubbed the bridge of her nose. She must be tired, I thought to myself. "Oh boy, there's a lot to unpack with that one. For starters, I'm not a man. Or gay. How did we- how did we even get to this question, like what brought us here?"

I pondered for a moment, thinking how best to put this.

"Well I just- I-... how do you know when someone likes you? Like as in a guy to guy sorta situation. I've just never..."

"Derek," Joan sighed, "neither have I. Like I said, I can't even tell you what I'd find attractive as a guy, to a guy, cause I'm not a guy... or gay, dear lord give me strength. But since I love you so very much, I'm going to try to help you with this absolute car wreck of scenario."

I gave Joan a smile. I was really grateful for her.

"I think John Terry might be gay," I blurted out.

Joan looked at me funny a moment. "And what does that have to do with you being attractive to him? Derek, I really hope that you're not assuming of a person is gay, that they're automatically attracted to every guy."

"No no!" I rushed out quickly, trying to unscramble what I was getting at. "I-It's not like that, it's just- he makes these comments and I can't tell whether they're flirty or a joke. And he just- I can't tell if he's being nice or... And today there was this video call he had-"

"Well Derek," Joan gently interrupted, "he could just have a flirty personality. I don't think he would overstep or do anything intentionally, that would make you uncomfortable. At least that's just what I got from the little I talked to him during the Hawaii trip. He also gifted me and Brad one of the best vacations of our lives so I'm a bit bias here with my absolute adoration for him. If you prefer he doesn't act like that towards you, then you have every right to tell him that though."

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