34. No, I'm Asexual, Not A Sexual

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Have a great weekend lovelies, I'll see y'all Monday!


I was beyond words exhausted when I woke up Saturday

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I was beyond words exhausted when I woke up Saturday.

I mean I practically crawled out of bed, barely making it to the alarm on my dresser before it took the volume up a notch with its second set of rings.

I had moved my alarm clock all the way over here because Marty had us up at all hours of the fucking night yesterday. I didn't trust myself to get up in time if I could easily reach an arm across and flip this obnoxious thing off.

By the time I showered, changed, did my hair, pulled a random assortment of clothes on, and fed Herold, it was already time to go pick Derek up. I gave him a call to let him know I was on my way, and from how it sounded, he seemed pretty alert himself.

That's why I was fully surprised by how tired he looked at ten in the morning once I got there. Well, there was something else that surprised me to...

I glanced back at the shirt Derek was wearing as I finally drove us back to my place from the Asian market. It was now going on two in the afternoon.

The shirt was one I recognized instantly,because Brad and I went shopping together years ago and I forced him to buy it. Technically it was an inside joke between us, relating to a girl he was seeing in college who invited us out to this concert.

The concert took place under a laundromat, which for one was fucking weird to begin and the reason why Christian decided not to go.

That had to be one of the few times in my life I regretted not taking that man's advise.

The Brad today wouldn't have been caught dead in that establishment either, but college Brad was game for anything. And he really liked this girl. She brought a girl friend who I obviously wasn't interested in, but decided to keep it polite. I wasn't one hundred percent open with my sexuality back then. Especially around new people.

The band was called The Annihilators...

And they just about annihilated Brad and I's will to fucking live that night.

An absolute wreck is what they were. From sound production, to vocals, to pitch.

I'll never forget how terrible that performance was- they were so bad, Brad and I just left without saying a word to either or our dates, then we got drunk at an Irish pub next door. Brad asked the live band in there to play something, anything to drown out what we had just heard across the street, to which they happily obliged.

The girls joined us after the show, but we were far too drunk at that point to care about hearing how much fun they had. I'm very sure that at some point, Brad looked at them dead in their eyes and said his ears almost bled from how dogshit that band was.

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