54. My Office Won't Have Any Of Those Stupid Rules

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Only two chapters left after this!
Spoiler: they're all smut (and some fluff!) lol
Peep the intro for my next piece of work down below
And maybe help me decide on a book cover, some options I made are down below as well
As always, enjoy lovelies!

But real quick...
And I don't give a fuck who this pisses off, all I'm finna say is this:
I hope Ms. Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty can fucking fight
cause she gon need some hands for if I ever see her— wasting my fucking time like that
And if you're still a barb, y'all really need to go check on that lady, man
Your fav isn't doing okay, like seriously I mean it health wise. Idk who got in that studio for that weak ass response, but that was not the Up In Flames and Highschool Nicki I know
Y'all barbs swear you love that lady but I don't believe that shit for a minute
Encouraging her to crash the fuck out like this isn't love
Watching this lady tweet for legit 72 hours STRAIGHT, isn't love
I said what I said
And I don't think that lady likes any of y'all barbs either if I'm being fucking honest
To the mfs doxing hoes, I got a two piece with a side glizzy right here waiting on you.
And any artist that would let their fans do some insanely dangerous shit like that, absolutely doesn't give a shit about them
That's it, that's all
I'd pull up on you and beat your motherfucking ass my motherfucking self before I tell or condoned even ONE of you to do something that fucking deranged 


I practically dragged John into that closet

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I practically dragged John into that closet. I hadn't meant to, but I was not about to shed a single tear in this precinct entryway full of cops.

They needed to know that I was walking out of here with my head held high, and a fiery spirit courageous to do these crimes all over again.

Otherwise what was the point of getting an audience while being released, unless I actively choose to rub salt in the wounds on your way out.

Well the person who absolutely fucked those head held high plans over, was none other than John Terry.

"Derek?" John spoke, his voice more comforting than I expected, especially after rushing us in here. "What's wrong?"

I leant back against the cold stone brick wall, immediately regretting my decision to pull us into this small room in the first place. It was John who found the overhead light and turned it on so we weren't standing here in complete and total darkness.

"I-." I first spoke, but I wasn't looking in a John's direction. Instead I was staring off past him, trying to think of any funny meme right now that would stop this stinging sensation in my eyes from going any further. Like tears, for example. "You just-"

Was my lip starting to quiver? Stop that, Derek. I mean, of all the places to cry in this prison hell scape, this room would've been a better option. I just didn't want to cry in front of John.

Derek ⚣ ✓Where stories live. Discover now