See For Yourself

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Chapter Eleven - See For Yourself

Song: Honey, It's Alright - Gregory Alan Isakov

"Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what."

― Harper Lee in To Kill a Mockingbird

A    Z    R    I    E    L

The Tribunal Hall had been empty when they'd first entered. The only sign that the magistrates were already present was the quiet rumble of voices from the back of the building.

Gwyn, Nesta, and Emerie had gathered near the dock. All three females held hands and appeared to be practicing a bit of mind-stilling. Smart.

"The testimonies today will be largely aimed towards guilt, I imagine," Balthazar said, coming to stand with Azriel and Cassian at the front-most pew. "It's a good way to get the jury nice and biased against whoever the magistrates wish to rule in favor of."

The Illyrian glanced towards the elevated platform where the aforementioned magistrates would be presiding, checking to see if they had taken their places. Empty.

Balthazar turned back to Cassian and Azriel. "It's no surprise that some of the Blood Rite participants will be called upon today to make statements. We just have to hope that Gwyn and Nesta can hold their tongues." Balthazar glanced at Azriel, "I don't know your priestess well, but I can guess she's skilled in self restraint." He turned his attention to Cassian and winced. "I do, however, know your mate. I think today may prove difficult for her. So I suggest whatever sense of calm you can impart on her through your bond you do that."

A door creaked in the back of the Tribunal Hall and one by one, the three magistrates appeared. Celio, Cripsin, and Fabius all took their places – not acknowledging any of them in the slightest. Instead they studied the scrolls laid out on the elevated desk before them. A scrawny Illyrian boy in an oversized gray robe appeared with three goblets on a tray. He set them down before the magistrates, careful not to spill the contents.

Azriel, Cassian, and Balthazar all looked to the three Valkyries. Emerie stared up at the magistrates, barely concealed fury on her face – jaw set in determination.

Cassian and Azriel excused themselves from Balthazar's company with quiet murmurs, then crossed over to Gwyn and Nesta.

Cassian cradled Nesta's face in his hands, bowing his forehead to rest against hers. He spoke in a quiet voice, a slight smile on his lips. Leave it to Cassian to chase away Nesta's fears with jokes during a time like this.

When Azriel came to stand before Gwyn, he found himself at a loss for what to do. She stared up at him with those large eyes, so full of fear and anger. It shook him to his core. Even his shadows seemed stumped as to what could be done.

Do something, they hissed.

So Azriel said exactly what came to his mind, not even attempting to hide the puzzlement in his tone. He shrugged, taking her hands in his. "How do you take care of someone who is already so strong, Berdara?"

Gwyn laughed – a weak sound. "I don't feel strong."

"Of course you don't," he said, the edge of his lip hitching up just slightly. "It's like breathing for you. You don't acknowledge the action because you do it every second of the day."

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