She Keeps Me Up

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Chapter Fourteen - She Keeps Me Up

Song: If I Go, I'm Going - Gregory Alan Isakov

"Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow..."

― Louisa May Alcott in Little Women

G    W    Y    N

The magistrates retreated to the back of the Tribunal Hall again and the jury filtered out.

Nesta and Gwyn descended the dock and wordlessly, their group made their way out of the building and into the fresh evening air.

As they started back for town, Gwyn's elbow looped through Azriel's, the shadowsinger gave her arm an urgent squeeze. She turned her vacant stare to him then followed his gaze to the tree-line adjacent to the Tribunal Hall.

Magistrate Celio, free of his robes, stood in the shadows of the trees with Juno Sunder.

Gwyn's jaw dropped. "What do you suppose that is about?"

Azriel looked at the tendril of shadow coiling on the shoulder farthest from Gwyn. A muscle in his jaw ticked – no doubt the result of whatever his shadow had relayed.

Gwyn raised her eyebrows at the male, imploring him to speak.

But Azriel shook his head. "When we're back at Emerie's."

Though Gwyn hastened her stride, the walk back to the shop felt slow. With every step closer her heart pounded faster. While part of her was grateful that the walk seemed long, the other part was impatient to arrive so that Azriel could impart the knowledge his shadows had given him. About how poorly the trial had gone. What the jury now thought of the Valkyries after Gwyn's admission of the guilt she felt. About whatever the hell Celio and Juno had been discussing in the privacy of the forest.

Eventually, the six of them walked through the shimmering ward and entered Emerie's shop. Azriel and Cassian did a quick sweep of the perimeter and then of the entire house. Meanwhile, Balthazar, Emerie, Nesta and Gwyn made themselves comfortable at the dining room table. Each of them too exhausted to converse while Gwyn's mind reeled with possible outcomes of today's events.

When Azriel and Cassian finally entered through the back door, Gwyn took note that neither of them wore the grave expressions she had anticipated. Instead both Illyrians seemed resolute.

Azriel took his seat beside Gwyn, Cassian on his left, beside Nesta.

The shadowsinger threaded his hands together, resting them atop the table. "I won't leave you in suspense any longer and will say that the jury, while skeptical of Balthazar and Emerie's testimonies, did not perceive them to be mistrustful. That said, their attitudes did not change much. They still felt more inclined to side with magistrates and demand punishment for Gwyn and Nesta – albeit reluctantly."

Nesta waved a hand, "Wait. You said 'felt?' As in past tense?"

Gwyn's heart jumped into her throat, head snapping in Azriel's direction.

Azriel gave a slow nod. "When Juno was called to the stand the jury was sympathetic to her." He snorted, mirthlessly. "The babe was a nice touch. It wasn't until Fabius began his line of questioning that they grew angry. Suspicious. Vengeful. Seeking justice for Juno and her daughter. Exactly as Fabius intended with his... display."

Emerie folded her arms, muttering something about 'Dramatic males' under her breath. Beside her, Nesta rolled her eyes.

It was Balthazar who leaned forward and said: "And then?"

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