So We Do Decree

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Chapter Seventeen-  So We Do Decree

Song: People Disappear All the Time - Bear McCreary

"Greatness takes time, Banu Nahida. Often the mightiest things have the humblest beginnings."

― S.A. Chakraborty in The City of Brass

A     Z     R     I     E     L

  "I'm afraid."

  Azriel cupped Gwyn's chin with one hand, standing with her before the dock in the empty Tribunal Hall. "What are you afraid of?"

  Her eyes flicked to where Balthazar and Emerie sat in the front-row pew behind him, then over at the aisle that Nesta and Cassian were framed by.

  Satisfied that no one was watching or eavesdropping, Gwyn said in a low voice. "Today, the magistrates will call forward any final witnesses and ask for volunteers from the jury to speak for the Accused."

  Azriel nodded slowly, trying not to get distracted by the way the golden light of dawn set her coronet aflame.

  "What if no one volunteers?" she whispered.

  His brows lowered, expression hardening. "Then to hell with all of them."

  Nibbling her lower lip, Gwyn shrugged. Apparently not at all comforted by Azriel's words. He yearned to smooth the worried crease between her brow – to erase those lines of tension bracketing her lips.

  But there was no way in hell that they would get testimonies beyond perhaps someone who had spied them entering the orphanage or enjoying themselves in the townsquare. Someone that had caught secondhand information of their good deeds and felt moved enough to offer their opinion on the matter. That was what they had been planting seeds for. Those little testimonies that would chip away at the magistrates' claims and endear the two Valkyries to the people of Illyria. The people that Azriel had learned were not all bad.

  But beyond that, they couldn't expect much. It was best to anticipate that The Reckoning would end with Nesta and Gwyn being charged for murder followed by a swift Determining then The Sentencing and finally, Azriel and Cassian skirting their punishment during The Absolving. Until finally, all four of them would return to Velaris with the people of Illyria being that much less skeptical of Rhysand's rule. That much less likely to throw another coup and be willing to take up arms against invaders from Autumn if needed.

  But that wasn't what Gwyn needed to hear.

  "Gwyn," he said, taking a step closer so their bodies nearly touched, "if no one volunteers then I advise you to take your own advice and focus on the good people of Windhaven. The ones who, if they were in attendance, would speak for you."

  The crease between her brows smoothed, but those crescents at the edges of her mouth remained.

  He continued, "And even if people do volunteer to speak for you and my shadows impart that at The Determining the jury will still name you and Nesta guilty, remember what you are actually guilty of."

  "I'm only guilty of surviving," she exhaled.

  "That's right."

  Gwyn bowed her head. "I'm still afraid."

  The shadowsinger tilted her chin up to meet his eyes. "It's good to be afraid."

  "Well, are you afraid?"

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