With Me

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**got plans tonight so enjoy an early upload**

Chapter Twelve - With Me

Song: The Wisp Sings - Winter Aid

"He was a mess of scars like the sky was a mess of stars."

― Hafsah Faizal in We Hunt the Flame

G W     Y     N

Rhysand and Feyre had many questions about The Reckoning but Gwyn didn't hear a single one of them. Thankfully, Nesta, Cassian, Azriel, Emerie and Balthazar filled all the silence leaving Gwyn to drown in her thoughts. Drown in the lingering sensation of Azriel's lips over hers. The feel of his fingers threaded in her hair and his hand pressing into the small of her back. The scent of cedar and mist that had swarmed her senses and left her drunk with desire. Desire she had foolishly acted upon. Desire that Azriel had dismissed with such anguish in his eyes. Those eyes that she somehow knew belonged to his mother.

  Well, not 'somehow.' It was not a mystery how she had uncovered such a detail. She knew Azriel like she knew the beat of her own heart.

  Now, sitting at this dinner table, listening to him easily converse as though just an hour ago they hadn't given in to that thick tension between them filled her with both relief and dread.

  Beneath the surface of the wood, Azriel had laid a steadying hand on her knee. He'd hesitated to do so at first, when they'd sat down. Perhaps worried that her refusal on the mountainside translated to every aspect of their relationship. And perhaps it should, but it hadn't stopped her from folding her hand atop his and settling it on her thigh where  it now remained.

  "And at the end of it all, what was the jury's outcome?" Rhys asked Azriel.

  Azriel was quiet for a moment. "They felt uncertain about Nesta." His hold on her knee tightened. "And regarding Gwyn, the jury was left with a sense of... fear. And anger."

  Gwyn fought the urge to flinch, a tendril of shadow on Azriel's shoulder nuzzled her neck briefly. Beside her sat Emerie who shifted a little closer, letting their biceps touch.

  Across the table the High Lord and Lady offered sheepish smiles. Gwyn ducked her head, declining to speak. She had nothing to say.

  Balthazar, who sat on the opposite side of Emerie, between the Illyrian female and Cassian piped up. "The Valkyries have established they are a force to be reckoned with in the war-camp. Perhaps, with the recent feelings of the jury, it would be wise to endear themselves to the people of the village and show a... gentler side."

  Nesta peered around Cassian at Balthazar, lifting a brow. "And how do we do that? Have Gwyn fashion them some more of her friendship bracelets?"

  The priestess nearly laughed and gave her friend a grateful smile, appreciating her attempt to lighten the mood if only for a moment.

  "Balthazar is right," Rhys said, raising a hand. "We need to establish that both Nesta and Gwyn are compassionate. That they would not kill senselessly. The Magistrates intend to win this trial by inspiring fear and anger. We need to make it difficult to fear the Valkyries."

  Feyre glanced at Rhys, then back at the table, and Gwyn saw a revelation in her High Lady's eyes. "And who would fear a group of females who did some charity work?"

  "Charity work?" Nesta repeated – her tone skeptical.

  Feyre continued. "Windhaven's orphanage. You'll accompany Rhys and I for our visit."

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