Chapter 42: Mommy Wisdom - Part 1

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I dragged my feet lazily along the floor as I made my way to the kitchen. The smell coming from it had woken me up. I spotted my mom standing in front of the stove.

"Breakfast smells good," I said.

"You mean lunch," my mom corrected.

My brows dipped in confusion and I looked at the clock above the kitchen sink.

"11:45? Mom, why didn't you wake me?" I asked taking a seat at the table.

"Well after the night you had, figured you'd need the rest."

"Yeah," I sighed as the memory of the night came back. "Can you believe him?" I whispered not wanting Kyle to hear me from his room.

"I can actually," my mother said, "Caring about himself and image isn't particularly new."

"I know. I just thought you...know now..."

"He'd change?"

"For Kyle's sake, yes," I sighed.

"He'd have to accept that what he did was wrong, and I don't think he's done that yet."

"Do you ever think he will?" I hesitantly asked.

I was for sure done with him and didn't want to see this face again. But I was worried about Kyle. If his father never changed, how would that affect him?

"I don't know sweetheart."

The door to Kyle's room opened and my mother and I shared a look.

"Can we not..?"

"I understand," she quickly answered.

I don't know if I was ready to discuss this with Kyle, or if I'll ever be.

He walked into the kitchen. "Is lunch ready?" he asked.

"It is," mom answered, "Get a plate."

He headed over to the cupboard to find his favorite plate. He's had that thing for a while and insisted on eating in it and nothing else, even if the paint on it was chipping away.

"It's in the dishwasher sweetie," I said.

He quietly went over to the dishwasher, got it, and handed it over to his grandmother. There was no "thanks mom" or any kind of acknowledgment.

He's been like that for a while, and I knew I was to blame for it. But I needed him to open up to me, he's probably going through a lot with Brooke's son's rampage.

"Hey sweetie, how're you feeling?" I asked.

"Fine," he dryly answered, not even turning to look at me.

"And how's school been going?"

"What do you think?" The attitude was strong in his voice.

"Kyle..." my mother scolded, "Watch your tone."

He simply nodded and waited for his plate to be made. Once mom handed it to him, he quickly turned, ready to run out of the kitchen.

"Kyle," I grabbed his arm as he passed by, "I know that you're going through a lot at school right now and it's all my fault, but I need you to talk to me."

"I don't want to talk to you!" He yelled, pulling his arm away from me.

"Young man!" My mother's voice was stern. "You will not talk to your mother in that manner, do you understand?"

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