Chapter 10: The Psychic

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"This is going to be so much fun," Iris squeals in the passenger seat of my car

"I know right," I grinned still keeping an eye on the road

"It's been a while since I've been to one of these," she said

"I don't think I've ever been to one."

Iris gasped dramatically "You've never been to one? Ever?"

"Nope," I answered, "Which is why I'm so excited."

Kyle poked his head between Iris and me.

"Aren't you guys too old to be this hype about a carnival?"

Iris gave another of her dramatic gasps, "Did he just call us old?"

"He did," I said, "Sit back Kyle"

"Aren't you going to do something about it? Ground him? Whoop him?"

"I can't whoop him for saying that Iris."

"Yeah, she can't cause I'm stating facts," my son added then giggled at Iris' grunt

"Kyle, leave Iris alone!" I say knowing he said it just to get a rise out of her

He kept quiet and continued to play his game on the PSP.

The three of us were on our way to a carnival in Virginia. Iris had found out about it from a friend and thought I should take Kyle as a way for us to spend some time together. He wasn't feeling it but decided to go anyway. Not like I was giving him a choice. And because of that, attitude and slick remarks were sure to show itself throughout the day.

The car got quiet as the passengers got onto the devices. I was left to take in the scene and let my mind wander. I was traveling to someplace that I've never been before and I wanted to take everything in. Our quick easy cruising turned to a slow trot when we encountered some traffic. It gave me some time to pay attention to the billboards we passed. There was one that caught my attention.

The words "Grant Publishing" where written in big bold blue letters, sure to catch a passer by's attention. Grant Publishing was a well-renowned company in Washington. It wasn't just the go-to publisher for politicians who wanted to write a memoir, but it was also the company that ran Cooper's Chronicle. I've seen that 'G' logo many times around the building.

For a moment, I imagined the sign saying "Wright Publishing" and I smiled to myself. This was one of my life goals, to own my own publishing company and magazine. I want my company to be as popular as Grant's, whoever he is. I know it will take a lot to get there, but a girl can dream, right?

Eventually, the traffic cleared up and it didn't take long for us to get to our destination.

The area was gigantic, and every inch of it was occupied by something. There were colorful tents, moving rides and a weird mix of sweet and salty in the air.

As we walked through the carnival, trying to figure out which ride to get on first, I can see my son trying to hold back his excitement. This was as new to him as it was to me, and I knew exactly what he was feeling.

"What about the Ferris wheel?" Iris asked pointing to the rotating contraption in front of us, "Don't need to go on anything drastic for the first ride."

"I think it's a good idea," I said before turning to Kyle, "What do you think?"

"It's OK I guess," he said, but I can see the pent up excitement in his body

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