Chapter 1

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"All hail Hestia, Daughter of Kronos and Rhea, Goddess of The Hearth and Home,"

"All Hail, Hades, Son of Kronos and Rhea God of The Underworld, Dead and Riches,"

"All hail Demeter, Daughter of Kronos and Rhea, Goddess of Agriculture and Fertility,"

"All hail Poseidon, Son of Kronos and Rhea, God of The Sea, Hurricanes and Earthquakes,"

"All Hail Hera, Daughter of Kronos and Rhea, Goddess of Family and Marriage,"

"All Hail, Zeus, Son of Kronos and Rhea, God of the Sky, Lightning and Thunder,"

The fates then looked at the 6. "Your journey begins now," Atropos said, then the fates flashed out. "Well now that you have your domains, it is time to get weapons, you cannot expect to defeat the Titan lord of Time and Harvest with your bare hands," Metis said. "How will we even get weapons," Poseidon asked. "We have to get to the Hecatoncheires, The hundred-handed ones, Briareus, Cottus, and Gyges," Rhea said. "Wh-Where are they," Hera asked fearing the worst. "Tartarus," Metis and Rhea said at the same time as their expressions darkened.

Even Hades paled when the name of the Primordial of Hell was said. "Our brother My husband threw them into Tartarus, shortly after mother went back into her slumber," Rhea said. "Why can't we just make weapons," Demeter asked. "You all are new deities, you need weapons that are connected to your domains. Your... Godly weapon," Metis said as she smiled proudly at the word she created.

"Well, where must we go to find the entrance of the Pit," Hestia asked quietly. "Thermopylae," Rhea said, "The Hot Gates in Greece, We Titans do not go there at all since we find no use for it. The Pit is about 3 miles from it, Keep in mind the pit moves, so if we do not leave now we might not be able to find it again for a while," Metis said.

The 8 immortals then arrived after a 15-hour walk at the Opening of the pit. Red clouds that looked like it rained acid. Black rocks that looked darker than the eyes of Hades. As the 6 new deities looked into the Pit they saw their worst fears come to life. Hera promptly collapsed on the floor as she started crying. Hades and Hestia quickly went over to comfort her and give her hope, however, it did little to help as they were both experiencing their fears. When Hera recovered they looked to see the two Titaness' looking away from the hole of the pit. "Enter," Metis said. "Aren't you guys coming?" Zeus asked as he looked at his girlfriend and mother pleadingly.

"This is your journey, to defeat the lord of time you must venture into the pit and face whatever comes your way, to ensure you are all ready," Rhea said looking at every one of her children sadly. "Let's go now, we don't have much time," Hades said determined, though he was not as afraid as the others, his eyes still held fear.

He walked to the edge and closed his eyes. He walked off the edge and fell into the Abyss. The other 5 looked on in shock. Zeus quickly followed in his brother's footsteps, then Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, and Lastly, Hera. "I hope they make it out, they are our only hope from this cruelty," Rhea said. As they sat and waited.


There was no doubt in Hades' mind when he said he'd rather be doing something else than falling into The deepest parts of Hell. He felt a connection with darkness, but this was beyond his limits, this was another level of darkness.

The fall felt like an eternity for all six children of Rhea. When they landed too it wasn't pleasant either. Zeus didn't get the hero landing he imagined in his head which bugged him. Hera and Hades stuck together, Poseidon and Hestia stuck together, while Zeus and Demeter stuck together. They walked for what felt like an eternity until they got to a part of Tartarus that emitted sparks every second like someone was forging something.

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