Chapter 5

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Previously on Power...

She looked around to see that the Gods were winning. She smiled, until she met the angered and irritated face of Kronos. "Enough," the Titan of Time and Harvest shouted. With that everyone on the battle field slowed down greatly. Kronos walked among his warriors and the warriors of the Gods. "You incompetent fools," The titan of Time shouted. 

"You are supposed to be the most feared warriors, the warriors of Kronos, The warriors of the Crooked one, but you all look like preys of a bunch of rabbits," Kronos shouted. Kronos looked at his warriors with hate.

"For that you all deserve death," Within a minute Kronos had slaughtered all his warriors sending to his uncle. The Gods looked on in horror and shock as their father killed the rest of his warriors. His own warriors. Kronos met the eyes of his children and smiled. 

He then proceeded to slaughter their army despite the Gods trying to use their domains to stop him. Poseidon tried to use the sea but was fighting control with Oceanus. Hades tried to Shadow travel but was not able to because of Iapetus. Demeter was losing control to her father while the rest watched in shock. Hestia tried to slow him down but Hyperion was already on her case.

Kronos finished and appeared 5 feet away from them. "You know one thing my parents taught me before they were murdered or went into their slumber respectively?" Kronos asked. He smiled when all he received were shocked stares.

 "You can't depend on anyone for help. Always do it yourself. Always expect disappointment so that you are never disappointed and allow yourself to be surprised when they accomplish what you asked of them," He said.

"So instead of depending on them to finish part of my goal which they will ultimately fail," He looked each of his children in their eyes.

"I'll do it myself,"


Slowly each titan appeared on the battlefield. Koios, Krios, Hyperion, Atlas, Perses, Lapetus, Oceanus and Kronos.

Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Prometheus and Pallas stepped forward.  "Heal the wounded," Hades silently whispered to his mother and the rest. 

With that they flashed out, leaving only the said immortals on the battlefield.

Styx however wouldn't leave. "Styx," Hades said. "Leave, now,"

Styx ignored him, however. "I need revenge for what that bitch did to my husband," She said.

"Styx," Hera said in a soft tone. "Leave, take care of your husband, and your unborn child," Styx's eyes widened.

"I-I'm p-pregnant?!" With that, she flashed out in shock.

"So kind of you to save not one but two lives, I mean she was the first one I was going to kill," He smiled and charged.

Everyone charged.

Iapetus at Hades

Oceanus at Poseidon

Hyperion at Hestia

Atlas at Pallas

Perses at Prometheus

Krios at Demeter

Koios at Hera


Kronos at Zeus

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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