Chapter 3

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Previously on Power

"Perhaps you were right when you said that my children are powerful, this is why I have brought you back for Tartarus," Kronos said out of breath from the amount of power he displayed. The titan of the inquisitive mind looked at his brother in shock, awe and fear. "Th-thank you brother," Koios said and scrambled away. Kronos' eyes darkened.

"If it's a war they want,"


"It's a war they get,"


Kronos laid asleep in a bed made of leaves and flowers, in a room that would put many gardens to shame. The evil son of Ouranos, twisted and turned as his breaths were raged, his beautiful bed drenched in sweat.

He was dreaming. Whatever he was dreaming about wasn't good. Titans never normally had dreams. But Kronos couldn't be having a dream if he was sweating and writhing around. He was having a nightmare.


Gaia just bore her 12th child for Ouranos that was not what Ouranos would discreetly call a monster. They agreed not to have anymore for now. The Primodial council came to see the children. Gaia hoped they would bestow the children's domains upon them.

Pontus, Hydros, Chronos, Anake, Aether, Eros and Tartarus appeared as they walked into a palace. 11 children were running around, while Gaia was on a bench rocking the last child. When she saw her brothers and sister as well as her nephew, she smiled. "Children, peace, these are the Primordials, my family, aslo yours," She said. The primordials acquainted themselves with the children, talking and explaining things to them.

After a while the stopped and decided to acknowledge the reason they were there.

"Children, My family have decided to bless you all. Be quiet and line up while they choose," Gaia said. All the Children stayed in a line. And quiet while the primodials studied them.

"Hyperion, step forward," Aether called, his voice firm and commanding. Hyperion did as told nervously. Aether held his hand out and muttered in a language the children couldn't understand. A yellow glow surrounded Hyperion. When it cleared the fates appeared scaring all the children half to death.

"All Hail Hyperion, Titan of Light and Fire," The fates said.

"Oceanus, step forward," Pontus called, his voice firm and commanding like Aether's. Oceanus did as told nervously though a little more confident that Hyperion. Pontus held his hand out and muttered in a language the children again couldn't understand. A sea-green glow surrounded Oceanus.

"All Hail Oceanus, Titan of the Sea," The fates said.

"Rhea, step forward," Eros called, his voice soft but stern. Rhea did as told nervously. Eros held his hand out and muttered in the same language the children couldn't understand. A pinkish red glow surrounded Rhea.

"All Hail Rhea, Titaness of Serenity and Fertility," The fates said.

"Themis, step forward," The fates called, their voices were old and creepy. Themis did as told fearfully. The fates held their hand out and muttered in a language the children couldn't understand. A purple-yellow glow surrounded Themis.

"All Hail Themis, Titaness of Law, Justice and Order," The fates said.

"Tethys, step forward," Hydros called, his voice firm and commanding. Tethys did as told nervously. Hydros held his hand out and muttered in the unknown language A blue glow surrounded Tethys.

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