Chapter 4

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Previously on Power...

Kronos shot up from his dream, or a nightmare, drenched in sweat. He knew Titans almost never had dreams. This dream, no, nightmare, had a meaning. He spent the rest of the time thinking about what it could mean. He finally came up with a solution which he didn't like.

This nightmare was a reminder. A reminder of what the fates, Atropos, Lachesis, and Clotho had in mind for him. He knew from remembering the curse his father set on him he was destined to lose this war. He was going to lose, but who said he wasn't going down with a fight? Maybe he could kill one of his children before he died.

Either way.

The war had begun.

And him? The crooked one?

He wasn't going down.


"Without a fight,"


Kronos looked to his right. His brother Oceanus was there. Oceanus was dressed in Demacian Armour. Iapetus was on his left in Satanic Armour. Oceanus was holding his trident in his hand glaring down at the world below. Iapetus had his spear in his hand. His void black eyes in an emotionless state. Kronos stood in the middle of the two dressed in Golden Othryan armour, his scythe emitted the need to reap a soul. Kronos' eyes pulsed with more power and desire than the titans have ever seen. A desire for blood, for death. The death of his wife. The death of the traitors, the death of The Gods.

Kronos smiled a creepy smile that sent shivers down his allies' spines. Only Oceanus and Iapetus weren't affected. "Today is the day we raze the Gods, The traitors who left you alone in your home for six nobodies. Deities that are weaker than us. Let this be a message to the Gods," Kronos shouted. He stomped his foot hard on the ground, so hard that it shook slightly. He faced his almighty kingdom which was in ruins and kneeled. He muttered softly and quietly so that the others could not hear. Slowly a golden light stood on the fingertip of Kronos' hand.

Kronos looked at the light and smiled. He touched the ground and the light travelled straight towards the ruins. He smiled wider as everyone gasped. The building was slowly reforming to its old glory. Blocks and columns were slowly rebuilt. Kronos turned back to the crowd. He stared at every one of the warriors in their eyes. His golden eyes did not hold the gaze of everyone for more than a second.

"Let them know,"

"The war has begun,"


Zeus and Metis were currently getting it on. Both were moaning and enjoying each other's presence. One more than the other. Zeus was getting bored of Metis even though they had been together for only one year. He wanted to experience other relationships but he knew that would break Metis, and even though he got tired of her he still loved her. That is why he was having sneaky links. Metis was about to reach her climax, when a shout interrupted them.

They broke apart quickly scrambling for their togas. Once they got dressed, they made their way outside to see a crowd gathering. Zeus looked to his siblings to see Hera and Hades flustered, as well as their clothes messed up. Zeus glared at Hades angry he got his dick wet with Hera out of all the women there. However, he broke contact with the back of Hades' head, when Metis nudged him. He directed his attention to where everyone was pointing and whispering to see something that scared the shit out of him. The building that the children of Rhea and Prometheus destroyed was slowly being rebuilt. "H-how?" Rhea asked, shocked. She looked to Metis only to see her shocked as well.

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