Chapter 2

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Previously on Power...

"You vowed never to fail me, but you have," The voice said "M-m-my l-lord," Koios stuttered. "SILENCE!" The voice demanded as it echoed. "Now you must pay the price," The voice said. The man walked behind his 'brother' and unsheathed a weapon that seem to instil fear into anyone who came within distance. The man slowly cut Koios throat with the weapon then, took a cloth out and wiped the blood off the diamond scythe that was black and gold.

"You won't fail me will you, Perses," The man asked.

"Never Lord Kronos, Never," the newly known Titan of destruction said.

"I will never fail,"


"Themis, What are you doing here," Rhea asked. "Kronos, well, he tried to rape me," she said then broke down crying as Prometheus and Metis went to comfort her. "What!" Rhea shouted. She knew her husband had gone paranoid but to rape. That was something she never thought he would do. "I am so sorry," said Hestia as she ran over to comfort the Titaness of Divine law. "He had a child with a daughter of Oceanus but cast the child out and revoked his immortality because he wasn't like us," Themis said as she slowly sobered up. "What do you mean not like us, as in not a titan?" Metis asked. "No, he is not like us at all, he is a centaur, part pony, part man," Themis said.

"We need to create a plan for the death of a King," Prometheus said now angry at finding out one of his sisters' children was an outcast because of his appearance. "First we need to infiltrate Othrys," Metis said. "What if we create bombs to blow up the mountain? The crooked one will then have nowhere to hide," Prometheus said. "When we sneak in we can plant the bombs around the mountain," Hades said. "Once the other titans and Titaness see that their king has nowhere to reside they will fall apart and we can recruit others," Demeter said. "The problem is, we have a 67 percent chance of getting caught when sneaking in, only 30 minutes to plant the bombs and how are we going to make bombs in the first place," Metis said wistfully.

"I can make a fire bomb, with your help and guidance," Hestia said to Metis. "I can help with sneaking in since my helm makes me invisible," Hades said. "I can be a scout, since my domain is the sky I can tell if anyone is coming from the top of the mountain," Zeus said, "I can be on land and tell if anyone is coming from there too," Demeter chimed in.

"We need something to draw out my husband," Rhea stated. "Maybe we can have someone go and seduce him," Poseidon said getting glares from everyone pointed at him. "What, it makes sense, he lusts after women so we draw him out with a beautiful woman, but swipe in before he can do anything to her," He said. Though the immortals in the room hated that plan, they had to admit it was pretty good. "I will go, if he sees me he will come after me," Rhea said getting up, however, she cried out in pain and fell to the floor when she stood up. "No, you are injured, Rhea," Prometheus said sternly. "But-" She tried but was cut off by her daughter. "No mother, you are injured enough, I will do it," Hera stated. Getting shocked looks from her siblings, "What? Someone has to do it, and there is no way in the name of the primordials am I allowing my mother to do it," Hera stated defiantly. Rhea smiled at the care of her children. "Ok now that that is covered, we need to make a blueprint of Othrys, to know where to plant the bombs and where is heavily guarded," Metis said. "Prometheus will draw a blueprint with the help of Themis and we will give each and every one of you," she said pointedly to the Gods. "I will keep an eye on mother," Poseidon said. "Alright everyone to work," Themis said.

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