She's In Love With The Boy

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Song Fic: She's In Love With the Boy by Trisha Yearwood

The line used from the song is underlined

"How much money is in the pot now?" Nyla asked, her husband as of minutes ago hanging over her shoulder while surrounded by the finest of LA's finest.

"Officially or unofficially?" Angela asked, casually sipping on her flute of champagne.


"Woah, woah, what is this about," James interrupted.

Angling her ballooning body towards the ditzy couple on the dance floor, Nyla verbally indicated, "Them."

"Ah...wait. Can I get in on this?"

"Of course," Nolan, ever the accommodator, supplied. "Unofficially, we're at about, $500,000?"


"Oh honey, you better pull through with a solid guess. Mama's gonna need a vaca after this baby pops."

"So how does this work?" James asked.

"Okay," Angela said, taking charge, "so the official betting pot is based on the date Lucy became a P2. The unofficial upstart was in the midst of her rookie year. So officially, we only have a third of the full bet accumulated in the status of being official. Only the people within this current circle are the only ones who are even allowed to acknowledge the existence of the unofficial stash."

"For the sake of workplace regs," Nyla interjected, "we don't want the impression that this is something we encouraged."

"Anyway," Angela retook her place on the podium, covertly glaring at Nyla, "We'll all re-bet after a significant event between the two has transpired if the desired outcome has not been achieved within the initial parameters. For example, this evening is grounds enough to reset. So, I'll cash in $20 for the 30th of this month. We don't withdraw finances from past placements so as time has progressed, our input has been allowed to increase."

"Okay, I've got it, " James said confidently after processing Anglea's rapid-fire explanation. "I'll put $10..." he took a quick glance at his wife for approval, "yeah, $10 for May 12th."

"$40 for June 2nd," said Nyla.

"$5 for April 27th," said Wesley.

"$25 for May 23rd," said Nolan.

"Just put down $200 for me, and on my own authority, I'm allowed to cash in as soon as it happens," said Grey.



Their attention swiveled to him simultaneously, taking him in like gaping, wide-eyed fish. There he stood, just behind them, Luna on his arm, smirking. "Throw in $200 for me too sugars," she sang.

"Sir," Nolan began.

"Officer Nolan. I want you to remember: that I. Was Never. Here. I have no understanding of even the barest of concepts being whispered of in this congregation. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir."

Observing the still shocked faces that were still glued to him, he sighed, saying "What? Those two are going to inevitably inflict the nightmare of the HRH. I might as well get something worthwhile out of it."

"And the HRH is..?" James asked, searching the group's expressions.

"Human Resource Headache," they said collectively.

"Now that was just creepy," was his response.

"No," countered his wife firmly, "it was the truth."

"So, uh," he pressed, "how long have they been a will-they-won't-they deal?"

Angela took a deep breath. The message was passed on to everyone else: this is my moment. Don't screw this up for me.

"Ah...Bradford and Chen. They did not have sparks immediately. It was a slow growth. Chen initiated it by first pulling Bradford from a dark place. Then he literally pulled her from a dark hole in the ground. I won't go into detail, that's private, to be frank. Prior to what I'll call for your sake, "that incident," their relationship was purely professional. No question. But there were minute relaxations over time. Following that incident, something drastic clicked in Tim. I could hear it when he called me that day. It occurred to him, on top of all his guilt and responsibility, how much he really cared for her. Now, there is an abundance of content I could unpack here, but at this point, they are trapped in an impasse. They both like each other but fail to acknowledge it. There's also the issue of department regulations concerning officer relationships. He's her superior and it's a well-known fact that superior-subordinate relationships are not allowed. If one or the other moved precincts, it would no longer be a regulatory issue. But they both love Mid-Wilshire, we love them, and they work so well together. A female dating another cop on the force is an entirely different issue but it is one. Tim dating Lucy would only bolster him in some twisted way among the other men on the force. Lucy would be seen as easy by the male population and scorned by even other female cops who would consider her relationship as a sell-out to the deferred masculinity of the profession."

"So..." James dragged out.

"So," Nyla picked up, "we, being the bunch of hopeless romantics we are, are staking a portion of our financial gains on a set of circumstances that face too many odds to be plausible, in order to go on vacation and see those two as happy as the rest of us."

"Impossible romances," Wesley commented, "gotta love those."

"They absolutely suck," his wife affirmed bluntly, "but look at them."

They all, (Wade and Luna were still there), turned to watch the blissfully oblivious pair on the dance floor.

Luna sighed, "In spite of it all, I won't believe that they can be kept apart. When two people are meant to be, as they are, I believe that what's meant to be will always find a way."

After a pause, Nolan broke the silence. "Well, ain't that the truth. Also, Bailey wants to know if she can throw in $30 for June 19th?"

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