If He Ever Singles You Up

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Song: If He Ever Singles You Up-Jordan Davis

I ain't heard you laugh like that in a long time

Her laugh rang through the shop. He had just finished telling her about Kojo's run-in with his shadow. It shocked him to his core. He'd heard her laugh before. But this was a genuine, open laugh. One that showed she trusted him. And it was one of the most beautiful things he'd ever heard. Suddenly, it was just them, parked in the shop on a corner. The world froze on its axis and the moment was theirs. It was one of those odd moments where the odds were in favor, the stars were aligned, whatever. The golden evening sun sliced through the window at just the right angle to illuminate the warm golden glow of her skin, the brightness of her eyes, and the shine of her pulled-back hair. 

"-ease tell me you got a video," she was saying.

I wonder if you stopped his world like you did mine just now
I see you sippin' white wine instead of whiskey
And does he want you to be just a little more city?

He shook himself free of the trance he had fallen into. "Uh, yeah, here." He passed her his phone, video ready. "Oh my gosh," was all she managed to say before again dissolving into laughter. "I'm sending this to myself."

She passed his phone back and they resumed the silence that they had been engaged in prior to his remembering the incident.

"Hey," she initiated things this time, "um, so Chris and I are meeting at a bar later with some of his coworkers. He said it'd be cool if I invited some of my own. I don't know if you and Ashley-"

"Ash and I broke up."

"What?!? When?" He held up his hand, a silent signal for her to not overreact. "It was somewhat mutual. By that, I mean she broke up with me but she explained why, and it helped me realize some things that I needed to work on personally. While she understood, she wants a relationship where she's fully appreciated, ya know? And I got that. We both wanted each other to be happy but we were never going to have that with each other."

"Well," she said after consideration, "that sucks but I'm glad it ended amicably." 

"But yeah, I'll come. I'm sure Nolan and Bailey would tag along too. Then there's Nyla's rookie and," 

"Okay, got it."

"Are you going to be okay? Going to a bar? If Chris pushed you into this..."

"Tim, you're going, I think I'll be okay, okay?"


He hadn't even looked your way since you walked in
But I can't help it that I can't take my eyes off of you
Your favorite song just came on and me and you were singing along
And he don't even know a single word, no

They walked in together. Nolan and Bailey had promised to come in later. Chris greeted her, handing her a drink. He noticed she didn't drink it, but instead just traced the rim with her finger. It wasn't tequila, but he knew that wasn't the whole issue. When Chris wasn't watching, he slipped it away from her and got a beer, unopened from the bartender. He set it down in front of her, opening it on the counter's edge. Thank you, her eyes said. 

Chris popped up out of nowhere. "Oh, did you finish the other already?" "Yeah," she said, lying through her teeth, "I was feeling more like a beer though after." "Little bit of a weird combo, but whatever you're up for," was his response. 

He had to bite back the retort sitting on his tongue. If you actually knew who you were dating, you'd know better.

A Shania Twain song began to blare through the speakers. Her eyes lit up. "Oh! I love this song."

"It is?" Chris said while Tim said, "It is." 

'Cause girl, it's just a matter of time until you find
That the right guy's staring you back into your eyes, right now                                                                   No rush, but if he ever singles you up

She glanced between the two men for a moment, before shrugging at Chris, "I can't believe you didn't know that. Didn't I tell you so? I remembered that you liked classical jazz." It was his turn to shrug, "Sorry. Guess it slipped my mind." She didn't comment and instead began singing along.

"How'd you know?" Chris asked Tim testily.

It was his turn to shrug. "I mean I've practically been riding in a vehicle with her every day for the past two years. I'm sure it came up at some point."

Chris didn't look satisfied, but he let it slide. 

In the meantime, Tim returned to just watching her be

Well, I'm sorry if I'm overstepping boundaries, I don't mean to be

"Need a ride home, Lucy?" Chris asked about an hour later. She looked him up and down. "But didn't you drink?" "Just a little," he said. 

"Um...I've actually got an uber outside, waiting. So, um, see you tomorrow?"

"Oh, okay. Yeah, see you."

Tim watched her grab her jacket and duck out the door. Not a moment later, he was saying to Nolan, "See ya tomorrow." "Yes sir."

He found her leaning up against his truck. "I know you didn't drink." 


"Take me home?"


Well, I'm sorry if I'm overstepping boundaries, I don't mean to be                                                           But I've just got to tell you how I feel                                                                                                                           If he ever singles you up, if he's ever stupid enough                                                                                     I'ma be the first one that's calling you baby (baby)                                                                                        And if he ain't holding you tight, if he ain't treating you right                                                                      I'll be the first one that's calling him crazy (crazy)

"Lucy?" he asked, breaking the silence over their drive to her apartment.


"I'm sorry if this is pushing things, but, are you happy? With Chris, I mean."

She only sighed.

"That's not an answer."

"Ugh. I don't want to say I'm not. But, I'm just not. I feel like he doesn't appreciate me. I feel like he doesn't want to understand what it is I went through with nearly dying. I mean, we were just at a bar for goodness sake. I feel like he does these stupid little things that really shouldn't be a big deal but at the same time, they are. He just doesn't get me. He doesn't appreciate me. I feel horrible thinking about ending it because it's not like he's abusive. But he neglects me. In an innocent way, but he does it. You had to have seen it. He didn't remember my favorite song, which is something I just told him a week ago. You, I don't even remember telling you that. I just-I don't know what to do."

He didn't want to be selfish and tell her to dump the guy. He couldn't. He didn't like Chris if it weren't already obvious, but he didn't wish for the guy's demise. Still, she needed a good answer. 

"Lucy, I'm not going to tell you what to do. But you should be happy. You deserve to be. If you aren't getting everything you want in your relationship with Chris, then what you do after determining that is up to you. If you want to try and make it work or if you decide that you want better, I'll back you, no matter what you choose to do."

She smiled, wider and brighter than she had at Chris all that evening. "Thank you, Tim."

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