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I trash around, trying to get out of the grasps the soldiers had on me.
"LET ME GO!!!", i scream but its no use.

Eric comes over to me, kissing my temple.

They throw me into a dark cell, and as soon as i run towards the door again, ready to tackle my way to freedom, the door shuts and i am left alone.
I start ratteling on the cell bars, trying to open up the door again.
"Let me go!!! Please!!!", i scream, tears brimming in my eyes.

Suddenly one of the guards from earlier walks by, slamming a baseball bat against the cell door onto my fingers.
I scream out in pain and stumble backwards, falling to my knees.
"Shut up!!", the guard barks and goes back to his position.

"I'll see you soon, beautiful.", he whispers and tugs a hairstrand behind my ear.

"Eric.... No...", i sob and tears start streaming down my face.

How could i let Kaitlyn lead me on like that?
I cant let her get away with this!
I will fight until my last heartbeat.

My head shoots up and i grab the bars again, a sudden wave of hope coming over me.

No, Eric knows me! She wont be able to fool him!
He'll come and save me and I'll wait for him.
He'll find out, im sure.

*30 minutes later*

I was leaning on the concrete wall, starring into nothingness. The whole screaming and trashing around thing had really worn me out.

Now that i was alone in a cell i couldn't help but think about what Kaitlyn had said.

Was it really true? Was i really such a bad person? Was i really that selfish?

Suddenly loud footsteps break me out of my thoughts.
A tall man, maybe in his late 40s with long grey hair and an equally as grey beard, comes up to my cell and sits down infront of me.
"Hey dollface.", he greets and smirks.
I just stare at him, not saying a thing.
"The names Rob. Im gonna be your guard for as long as you'll be staying with us, so might aswell get to know ya right?", he says and smiles at me, tucking off his gun belt and putting it next to him on the floor.

I still dont say anything and pull my knees up to my chin, letting my head rest on them and not letting my gaze off of Rob for a second.
We eye eachother carefully, trying to figure out the other ones next move.
He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a set of cards.
"Do you like cards?", he ask waving them around like some kind of trophy, and thats when i notice the various rings glistering on his fingers.
I stay silent, and he waits a few moments then sighs, putting the cards down next to him and looking back at me.
Its silent for a few minutes again.
"I do like cards.", i then mumble, making him look at me in shock that i actually talked.
A large grin spreads across his face and he takes the cards, giving me a handful.
"Lets play then alright.", he says and i notice a few tattoos on his arm, making me wonder if this man before me was actually coming from dauntless.

I look at the cards in my hands and pray to God that Eric had found out and was now on his way to find me.
He had to be.


Unforgiving  Eric x OC Fanfiction (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now