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Arthur POV:

Looking at Elijah clad in black metal armour surrounded with hellfire gave me a sense of unease immediately. 

Elijah instantly covered the distance between us and aimed a punch straight at my stomach. I redirected his punch but was still forced back.


The current Elijah was much stronger than before. His movement were explosive and his punches heavy.

However, he wasn't somebody I couldn't beat.

Elijah showered me with powerful punches from all side, aiming for various parts of my body. Head, chest, liver, stomach, thigh, throat, ribs.

I once again imitated Jude's movements as I moved my sword as if it was another extension of my body. My sword parried Elijah's attack and even ended up cutting through his armour and caused golden blood to drip from his wounds. 

Hellfire erupted from his left fist, leaving burns on my skin. I used Static Void to stop the fist heading straight for my head. 

I distanced myself before releasing Static Void, attacking Elijah with both lightning and ice magic simultaneously. Hellfire erupted from the ground next to him as it devoured my spells.

I silently cursed before using [Burst Step] to cover the distance between us. My teal sword covered with black lightning arced through the air before cutting through the battle spikes and cutting straight through his shoulder.

I didn't even have time to curse as Elija punched me again with his right hand. This time, his right hand had a black spike protruding out of it, which cut through into me my gut. 

Not yet.

I swirled in mid air and locked my legs on his head, bending his body down and stretching his right arm. His right arm broke before he released soulfire again, but I was ready this time.

A nimbus of aether infused ice and lightning magic protected me from the damage as I distanced myself from his attack.

I took out my sword again and charged.

Elijah saw me charging at him and punched with his right hand. Just as planned.

I spun in mid-air as I used my sword imbued with aether and mana to cut through his arm instantly. 

Elijah didn't even bother screaming before he jumped up and punched at me with his regenerated left hand. 

His punch broke through my guard and sent my tumbling down. I looked up to see Elijah using hellfire to regenerate his right arm.

However, I activated the third stage of my beast will for only a few seconds to turn the black flames to purple, which started to eat away at him. 

With blood streaming down the corner of his mouth, Elijah scoffed at me. "I knew you'd show your true face. Whatever name and appearance you take on, you'll always be the same, Grey."

"Goodbye," I muttered, getting up again and charging straight at him.

 He roared as he sent black spikes and hellfire straight at me.

Rather than dodging, I cut through them and gritted my teeth at the pain of doing so.

Time to end this. My light blue hue sword cut through his defences and was about to decapitate him when suddenly we were teleported somewhere. Not only were we teleported, but our positions were switched so I ended up missing my attack.

"Didn't you say you could win against him, Nico?" a female voice resounded the air as she asked Elijah mockingly.

Her words struck like thunder.

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