Ch. 1

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After weeks of begging Stephanie agreed to accompany her friend to a party.
Her discomfort could be seen from miles away.

"Hey steph. You okay?"  Her best friend Mathew asked.

"I think I'm gonna go, you know I'm not about the party scene."

"Boo you whore, just kidding be safe love you."

"Whatever, love you too." Stephanie said with a smile and she left.
As she was walking she was approached by a man with a strange smile.

"Hey girl." He said.

"Hey guy." She replied.

"That's a nice bag you have there."

"Thanks." She said.
The man was out of sight for a few seconds until he left her on the ground without a bag or a jacket.

A girl with long dirty blonde hair rushed over to her.
"Oh my god. Are you okay?" she asked.

"Well I did just get jumped. But other than that I'm just peachy."
The girl chuckled.

"Spencer!" She called out to someone else. A girl with long dark brown hair and icy blue eyes walked over to them.

Stephanie took one glance at Spencer and felt butterflies in her stomach.
The dirty blonde pointed down at steph. Spencer looked at her with a smile.
"Ladies." Spencer called out and three other girls showed up.

"Hi." Stephanie said.

"Hey. Need some help?" A girl with short red hair said.

"Uh. Yeah. Thanks." The redhead helped steph up.
"Thank you all for the help." She dusted herself off and took a step  

"Where are you going?" A girl with black curly hair said.

"Um. Home?" Steph said confused.

"No,home is that way." The blue haired girl said.

"No, my home is this way." Steph said. The girl with dirty blonde hair yanked her backwards.

"You're coming with us." The red haired girl said and with no time for steph to hesitate she was guarded by the girls.

/shit./ she thought. /where are we going? What is happening? I knew I shouldn't have gone to that fucking party./

Steph has lost all hope until she heard a fairly familiar sound, police sirens.
/this is my chance!/ she tried to run towards the sound, but she was held tightly and the girls ran the opposite direction.

/Wait. These girls are criminals?!/Steph thought.

"Why the fuck are you guys running?" She whisper yelled.

"We're in a little trouble. 5-0 kinda has a warrant out for our arrest ." The girl with black curly hair said.
Steph started laughing.

"No one believes us when we say that." The dirty blonde said with a chuckle.

"You really think I can believe that five girls are capable of committing a crime that big for a warrant to be out on you." Steph said.

"Aren't you cute?"  redhead asked.

"We're here." Steph had only heard her speak once before but her voice was alluring.

"Hold on wait. Why did you kidnap me? And how did you shake the cops that fast?" Steph asked.

"We didn't kidnap you baby. And we have our ways." Blue eyes spoke up again and sent a wink Steph's way.
Her face flushed and the door had been opened.

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