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2 years later

Waking up as another person is strange but when you have a life like mine being someone else is the best thing ever.

"Maddie." My wife called out.


"Come meet the neighbors."

I smiled and closed my journal.

"Auggie! Come here sweetie." I called my now three year old son. He ran to me.

"Mommy!" He said and I picked him up.

"Let's go meet the neighbors." I said and he clapped.

We walk outside and see Austin, Erin, Cody and Gabriel.

"Austin!" Auggie calls out.

"Auggie!" Austin said and ran over to the fence. "Gimme!"
I handed auggie to him.

"Hi neighbors!" A woman said to Lauren and I.

"Hey." We both say.

"I'm Beth. Welcome to the neighborhood."

"Hi. I'm Maddie and this is my wife Lauren. And over there that's our son auggie. My brothers Cody and Gabriel and best friends Austin and Erin." I shook her hand and Lauren did the same.

"So what do you do for work?"

"I'm an author." I said.

"Graphic designer." Lauren answered after me.

"Where'd you move from?"

"Miami." We both said.

"How long have you two been married?"

"Two years."

"It's so nice to get another family here."

"Maybe you should bring your kid over. Auggie loves new people." Lauren said with a smile.

"Maybe I will bring her over. Thanks for the invite."

"Anytime." I said.

Later we all sat down in the living room, sipping from our beer bottles.

"Maddie." Austin said to me.


"This life is weird." He said to me.

"Yeah, not calling you Matt still gets to me."

"But our lives have changed for the better. I'm out of the game. Have a beautiful son and wife and I'm living with some pretty great friends." Lauren said.
I kissed her.

"Auggie." Erin said.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"How are you doing?"

"Good." He continued to color.

Later that night I was writing in my journal.

Right now I'm working on a 'fictional' story about my previous life.
Except no one else would know that.

Asia and Juliette are still in jail. But as for Bree and Spencer, nobody knows where they are.
Hell, they probably have different names now. But aside from that.

In every good story there's another chapter, but it has to end somewhere.

I close the notebook and walk outside of my room. I see Lauren and Gabe playing with auggie.

This is the end.

(Stay safe friends- author)

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