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Stephanie was still asleep but Ryan was up babbling to his sleeping mother.

Stephanie woke up. "Hi baby."


She sat up. "You hungry?"
Ryan smiled at her.
"Taking that as a yes." She walked into the kitchen and got some baby food.
She walked back out and saw Ryan with his face pressed against the couch.
"Sorry buddy, I forgot you can't sit up." She said and propped Ryan up on her lap.
She opened the baby food and fed him.
After he was finished Stephanie walked around patting his back.
He burped, "Ooh. That was a big one Ry. Got anymore stuffed up in there?" He burped again.

"You make a great mom." A voice said making Steph jump. Ryan giggled.

"Oh my god. you scared me." Stephanie said.

"I'm sorry baby girl." Mac said and kissed her.

"Now apologize to Ry Ry." She said holding the baby boy in front of her.
Mac took Ryan.

"I'm sorry little man. We cool?" She asked him.
Ryan babbled at her. "I know right?"
He babbled more.
"Yeah. I completely agree." Mac said. Stephanie had a smile on her face.
"You wanna go back to mommy?"

He babbled and she handed him back to Stephanie.

"You have a way with kids." Stephanie said.

"I used to babysit." Mac said.

"What kind of business do you guys do?are you like drug dealers?"

Mac smiled at her. "Somethin like that."

"But like what do you do? All I've seen you do is carry money."

"We distribute." Mac said. "We pay dealers to get drugs, they sell the drugs and pay us back. That's only a little fraction of it. But it's the least complex to explain."

"Are you guys. Human traffickers?" Stephanie asked her frightened.

"God no. What do we look like?" Mac asked with a smile.

" you guys are like billionaires?" Stephanie asked.

"Somethin like that." Mac said.

"Ry Ry. Tried to pull a fast one eh?" Stephanie said picking him up and smelling his diaper.

"Can you grab that diaper bag for me?"

"Sure." Mac said and grabbed the bag.

"Thanks, can we just talk after I change him?"

"Yeah baby." Mac said and kissed her.
Stephanie smiled and walked into the bathroom.

She changed him and walked back out.

"I'm gonna go to Walmart and get him a crib. You wanna come so I don't get beaten this time?"Stephanie asked.

Guilt filled mac's veins when that came out of Stephanie's mouth.
"Ladies! Steph and I are going to get lil man a crib and other room stuff." She yelled out.

"Be safe!" The girls yelled back.

"We're good to go." Mac said. Stephanie nodded and they put on their sunglasses and put Ryan in his car seat.

Stephanie was at the wheel and Mac was in the back.

"You know you can sit up front right?"

"Yeah. But I wanna sit right here with lil man. He's alright."

"Okay." Stephanie said driving out of the garage and down the street.

Back in the house

Bree woke up breathing heavily. She put her face in her palms as her breathing steadied.

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