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Bree walked out of her room and walked into the kitchen. She saw Stephanie cooking.

"Hey." Bree said.
Stephanie turned.

"Hey you." She kissed her.
"What's wrong?"

"Everything." Bree said.

"Do you need a therapy baby?" Stephanie asked her.

"What's that?" Bree asked her. Stephanie smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek as she walked out. She walked back in with Ryan.

"Okay ry ry. Give Bree some love." She said and handed him to her. The baby boy kissed Bree on the cheek and played with her hair.

Bree smiled at him. "This does help."

"Yeah. I know." Steph said and continued cooking. "He is a little ladies man. He gets all of the bitches."
Bree chuckled and held him on her hip as she walked out.

Spencer walked in and kissed Stephanie.
"Hey there." Steph said to her.
She wrapped her arms around Stephanie's waist.

"What're you cooking?"

"You'll see." Steph said.
Spencer pulled her closer.
"I'm cooking." Steph said.

"I need you now." Spencer said into her ear and nibbled on her earlobe. She placed soft kisses on Stephanie's neck.

"St-stop." She said.

"That's no fun baby." Spencer said and continued.

"Can this wait?" Stephanie asked.

"I've waited for two days. I'm very impatient." Spencer pouted.

"Give me five minutes." Steph sighed.

"Two and a half." Spencer said and walked out of the kitchen.
Stephanie quickly finished cooking and as she walked out she got pinned to the wall.

"hey." Steph said.

"Hi." Asia said to her with a smile. "Can you do something for me?"


After she was finished helping Asia Spencer walked in.
She picked Steph up, carried her into her room and locked the door.

Bree shook her head in disappointment as she heard the door close.
She looked into Ryan's eyes.
"I don't know how to help mommy ry." She said. Ryan rubbed her head and
"I bet you're the only one in here who's fully sane."

"Bree." Mac called out.

"Mac?" Bree answered her.

"Come in here please." Mac said. Bree carried Ryan into mac's room.

"What's this all about?"

"Stephanie said that she cared about us." Mac said.

"She does?"
Mac nodded.

"Could she. Love us?"

"That's definitely possible." Bree said.
Ryan giggled when he saw Mac.

"My turn!" Mac squealed at Ryan's giggle. She took him out of Bree's arms.
"Sorry, you know how I am with babies."

"Yeah." Bree said.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not like I'm reminded of it everyday of my life." Bree said and shook her head.
The two walked out of her room.

"Ladies, please take a seat." Stephanie said.

"Look. At. You." Bree said. "Looking all types of dapper."

"I like to look good when I feel good." Steph said with a smile. She kissed Ryan on the cheek.
Mac and Bree sat at the table with the other girls.

"You're being awfully nice babe." mac commented.

"Yeah, What'd we do?" Juliette whispered.
The other four girls shrugged.
Stephanie took Ryan out of mac's arms.

"What are we having tonight?" Asia asked.

"Well ms Asia." Stephanie said and kissed her on the cheek. "Tonight you give will be eating steak and potatoes with sautéed mushrooms. Give me and ooh."

"Ooh." The girls said with a smile.

"Give me an aah."


"Now tell me I look good." She said with a smirk.
The girls all started complimenting Stephanie's appearance.
"You're all too kind." She said. "I'll go get the food. You all stay here and stay gorgeous. Even though there's no trouble there." She winked at them making them all blush.

She walked out and wheeled Ryan's high chair next to her chair. She grabbed six plates and set them in front of the girls and her seat.

"And for mr. Ryan. Pears and applesauce." Stephanie said and sat down between Ryan and Spencer.
The girls started eating and Stephanie fed Ryan.

"This is probably the best food I've ever had." Spencer said.
The other girls were silent because they were all eating.

"Is it really that good?" Stephanie asked and ate some. She shrugged.

"This is amazing babe." Mac said.

"So good." Asia said.
Steph smiled and fed Ryan more.

"It's been a hot minute since we've had a serious home cooked dinner." Juliette said.

"Yeah. It's nice." Mac said.

There was a knock at the door. Spencer stood and got it .

"Who're you?"

"Hi! I'm tanner and this is my older brother Chester." The guy said.

"Tanner? Chester?" Stephanie asked.

"Stephie!" The guys yelled and Steph ran to them giving them hugs.

"What're you guys doing here?" She asked them.

"Just checkin in on you. We wanted to know if you wanted to come by our hotel room?" Chester said.

"Uh." Steph said looking around nervously at the girls. "Sure." She said.

"Well come on." Tanner said.

"Okay. I just need something." She said running back into the kitchen. She picked up Ryan and his diaper bag.

"Oh my." Tanner said. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Ryan!" Chester exclaimed.

"Stephanie." Spencer's tone was authoritative.

"Spencer. I grew up with these guys. They're like my brothers. Plus he's gay and he's ace." Stephanie said and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll be back soon." She said and left the house.

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