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Stephanie had drifted to sleep,and Asia walked downstairs.

When Stephanie heard the door close she jumped awake.
She walked to the bathroom and got in the shower. There was always something about them that soothed her, even in the worst situations.

She got out and walked out of the bathroom and walked right into Mac.

"Oh. Hi."

"Hey, I thought you were asleep." She paused. " are you okay? You look a little pale."

"I was but I needed a shower. yeah my head hurts a bit. I'm gonna go lay back down." Stephanie said.

"Okay. Call me if you need anything." Mac said and Stephanie smiled at her and walked into her room.

She took a deep breath and grabbed her aviators and letterman jacket. She put shoes, made a blanket decoy, and snuck out of the window.

Her feet hit the ground and she looked for quick transportation.

"Ah!" She grabbed a skateboard and took off.

/good thing you left your phone back there./ she thought.
She hopped off of the skateboard and stood outside the familiar house she came across.

"Stephanie?!" A voice yelled.

"Arielle?!" Stephanie yelled back and they hugged.
"I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too honey. What've you been up to?"

"Oh you know, just living with five wanted criminals and being used for sexual and romantic pleasure." Stephanie said.
Arielle stares at her then started laughing.

/shit. I said that. Just laugh it off Stephanie. She thinks you're kidding./

"Let's go inside." Stephanie said and knocked on the door.
"Matthew? Open up."

The door opened and the two walked inside.

Juliette knocked on Stephanie's door.

"Steph, are you feeling okay?" She asked. She opened the door a little.
"Stephanie?" She said louder and looked around. She saw her phone sitting on a desk.
"Shit. This can't be happening. Shit shit shit!" Juliette said as she crushed pillow steph.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Asia asked walking in to see the redhead holding one of the pillows.

"She's gone!"

"Gone?!" Asia asked.

"That's what I said." Juliette said and ran her hand through her hair. "We have to find her."

"We have to tell the girls." Juliette nodded and they ran downstairs.


"What?" They all yelled back.

"Steph's gone!" Asia yelled causing the girls to start freaking out.

Stephanie was laughing and having a good time with Arielle and Matt.

"I should probably get going." She stood and was met with a hug from Arielle.

"Aww, bye Stephie. It's was good seeing you again."

"You too babe." When they let go she hugged Mathew. "Text me later."

"Will do." He said. Stephanie saluted and left. She rode the skateboard and was stopped by a man.

"Can I help you?" She asked.
The man said nothing and walked on.
Before she could even start again he sprang up behind her and shanked her hip. She grabbed it in pain and found the strength to skate.

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