Ch. 3

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Asia limped into the doorway. She kneeled down in pain.
The girls ran up to her.

"Are you okay?" Juliette asked.

Spencer walked in and Asia looked at her with fear in her eyes.

"It had to be done. You need your punishment." Spencer said and put her hand on Asia's back. Asia flinched and moved away from Spencer's touch.

"You need serious help Spencer." Bree said while on the stairs. "The way you hurt people is sick. Especially when it's one of us." She said. Pure guilt flushed onto Spencer's face.

"Bree. Liste- " Spencer tried to speak but she was cut off.

"Save it. I'm going to sleep in Steph's room." Bree said. She started to walk away. "You've changed. Ever since we lost- ."

"No...We don't talk about her." Spencer said. "Just hear me out."

"No Spencer. God, I can't even look at you." Bree said and walked back upstairs. She knocked on Stephanie's door.

"Come in." She said.
Bree peeked her head into the room.
"Hey you." Steph said getting up and giving her a hug.

"Hey." Bree said.

"What's wrong?" Stephanie asked concerned.

"I don't want to talk. Can we just cuddle?"

"Yeah of course." Steph said laying down on her bed. Bree wrapped her arms around her and they stayed like this until they fell asleep.

"BREE! GET DOWN HERE!" Mac yelled.

Bree hopped up from her and Stephanie's cat nap. Stephanie groaned and held on to her tighter. Bree smiled at Stephanie.

"Babe. I gotta get up." She whispered while rubbing Stephanie's back.

"No. Stay with me." She said.

"I wish I could but I have to go." Bree said while getting up. Stephanie sat up and pouted. Bree smiled and gave her a kiss.
"I'll see you later Stephanie." Bree said while walking downstairs and she got dressed.

There was a knock at the door.
Spencer opened it.

"Jim,Come on in." Spencer said.
"Please. Let me take your coat." She said.
He nodded and walked in.

"Take a seat." Juliette said.
He sat down.

"Now. Pay up." Asia said.

"Asia, calm down." Mac warned her.

"I'd rather start with pleasantries, but we do want our pay now." Spencer said. The guy lifted up a load of hundred dollar bills held together with a rubber band. Juliette took it and counted it. She looked at Spencer and nodded.

"Good doing business with you Jim." Spencer said she held out her hand.

"What about my pay?"

"Your what?" Spencer asked getting into his face.

"I payed you now I'd like a little something from you. If you know what I'm saying." He whispered.

"Oh. You want us?" Spencer asked matching his tone.

"Yes." He said reaching to her face. She leaned closer to him and he closed his eyes.

"Then go to a street corner. We're business women, not prostitutes." She said.

"What?" He asked.

"Get him out of here." Spencer said.

"No I'm not leaving wit-" he tried to say but he heard a gun cock. He turned and saw the four other girls pointing guns at him.

"You see Jim. You have two options here. You could either, walk out now and don't speak of our little meeting and you will receive your 'pay' or you don't walk out. your choice." Spencer said looking at her nails.

He got up out of his seat and left with no hesitation.

"Good choice." Spencer whispered.
"Mac, go get Stephanie." Mac nodded and ran upstairs.

"Stephanie, Spencer wants you downstairs."

"I'm coming." she said and shortly thereafter she went downstairs.

"Hello Stephanie." The girls said.

"Ladies. " She greeted.

"Listen steph. I wanted to apologize for when I slapped you earlier. I don't know what came over me." Asia said.

"It's okay." Asia walked over to her and gave her a kiss. Steph wrapped her arms around her and they hugged after.

"Is there anything you needed Spencer?" Steph asked.

"I'm hungry." She said.

"Oh. Are you?" Steph asked raising her eyebrows up and down. Spencer pushed Stephanie into the nearest room and the door slammed shut.


"It's not fair." Bree said.

"What's not fair?" Juliette asked.

"It's Spencer and steph." Asia said. "And I agree."

"Wait what about them?" Juliette asked.

"They're jealous of them jules." Mac said.


"I mean wouldn't you be? We have to try really hard to get to steph but all Spencer has to do is look in her direction and Stephanie's pants drop." Bree said.

"She's got a point." Mac said.

"I know." Bree said.

"We all should get to spend time with Stephanie." Juliette said.

"Yeah. Like I don't even like sex I just want to be with her." Mac said.

"We all have strong feelings for Stephanie. We should all get a chance to express them." Asia said.

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