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Bree was sitting on the couch with Mac's legs on hers.
As hard as they tried to drown out the noise, every once in a while they'd hear something.

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm getting tired of this." Mac said.

"I know, we all are." Bree said. "I'm sure Spencer is just doing this. She doesn't care for Stephanie like we do."

"Well that might not be the case Bree Bree. Maybe Spencer does care for her."

"Oh please."

Stephanie stumbled out of the room and started walking upstairs.
Bree noticed red marks scattered across Stephanie's back.

"Stephanie. Can you come here for a second?" Bree asked her. Stephanie carefully walked over to her. Every step she took a wince followed.

"Turn around." Bree said. She examined Stephanie's back. Red marks and bruises covered the petite girl. [oh god. not again.] she thought. "Did you get hit or something?" Bree asked.
Stephanie ignored the question and started walking away. Bree grabbed her wrists and she flinched.
"Stephanie. What happened in there?" Bree asked her concerned.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Stephanie said running up the stairs, pain following every step.

"What the hell?" Bree asked the others.
Spencer walked out of the room.

"What did you do to Stephanie?" Mac asked her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Spencer said walking away with guilt all over her face.

"Spencer. What did you do to her?" Asia asked her more intensely.

"I..I hit her a lot."
the girls gasped.
"I don't know how it happened. It just did. I feel terrible."

"You should. You bruised her up. Terribly." Bree said.

"I'll work on it. I swear." Spencer said.

"You better." Mac said.

"Watch who you're talking to." Spencer hissed.

"Spencer. Please don't hurt her again." Bree said taking Spencer by the shoulders. "Why would you hit her?"

Spencer looked into her eyes. "I.i. Don't know."

"You've gotten her shaken up a lot. She flinched when I grabbed her wrists. which looked like they had red marks on them. Care to explain?"

"Don't you dare say that you handcuffed that poor girl." Asia said.

Spencer nodded her head shamefully.

"This has to stop. even if it just started." Juliette said.

"For real." Mac said. "We got this controlled a long time ago."

"We don't want you going back into this. Don't hit her again." Bree said.
Spencer nodded and walked away.

"What are we gonna do?" Asia asked.

"We need assurance that she'll actually stop." Mac said.

"And how do we get that?" Juliette asked.

"We'll talk more in the morning. I'm gonna go check on her." Bree said. She walked upstairs and knocked on Stephanie's door.
"Stephanie. Are you okay?"

"Come on in." She said.

"Are you okay?" Bree asked putting her hand on steph's thigh.
A tear escaped her eye.

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