Chapter 1

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[Camilo's POV]

It's been 7 years ever since the Casita was rebuilt. Many things have changed since then, our life is not the same.

My sister, Dolores got married to Mariano Guzmán and they had a baby. My little nephew is called Jorge and he's 4 years old at the moment. We are all looking forward to next year when he will be receiving his gift, and I just can't wait to see what gift he's going to get.

If you ask Dolores, she'd say that I'm a bad influence on him, because I've taught him different pranks, but she knows that I love my nephew.

That's not all, though, because she is expecting her second child as well. She is about six months pregnant now, and she's always upset and angry, just like the first time she was pregnant. Poor Mariano has to go through everything with her for the second time.

I like taking care of my sister when she's not feeling well, but the only thing that truly works is when she can hear the baby's heartbeat. I personally find it a bit creepy that she can hear her baby's heartbeat that's in her belly, but who am I to judge? All I know is that my second nephew is going to be adorable, just like my first one.

That's still not all, though. Isabella also got married just a few weeks ago, and I'm not exactly sure what to say about her husband. His name's Bubo Marquez and he's, well, a little quirky. He wears those huge glasses (even bigger than Mirabel's) and he's honestly the weirdest guy I've met. He's like a fish out of the water, like he's not from here. But, I mean, he makes Isabella happy, and that's all that matters.

About Luisa, well, she has a fiance. His name is Miguel Carreira and, frankly, nobody has the slightest idea when they're getting married. But, of course, nobody gets to ask either, because, with all the pressure Luisa has been under all her life, what's important is that she has fun and does things the way she wants to. And if, for now, she wants to delay the marriage, it's fine with everyone. She is ten times bigger and taller than the guy is, but, she is in love with someone for the first time, so it's just cute.

Mirabel doesn't have a boyfriend yet, but I'm sure she'll find someone due to how popular she is. She is friends with everybody in the village and knows literally every last person, so why wouldn't she? I think it's safe to say that she's the most popular Madrigal out of all.

Even little Antonio has a girlfriend now! Well, not exactly a girlfriend, he's just 12 years old, but it's still plain adorable. Little Cecilia from the village and Antonio had always been close friends, and I swear now it's just the cutest thing.

But how about me? That's when all the trouble starts. Because, I'm 22 years old, and now everyone thinks it's my turn to find some girl and settle down and everything, and, well, I just can't seem to find the one...

[Veronica's POV]

Just like every day, it was hard for me to wake up, but his thought only gave me the motivation to get out of bed. It has only been his thought for 16 years now. That's how long Camilo and I have known each other.

Just like every morning, we were going out in the village for our morning walk. Every single day, we did. At a specific time in the morning, we knew where to meet, so we can go for a walk.

I put on my purple dress and brushed my long, black hair. They say that darker colours like purple and blue make you look thinner, so those are the only colours I allow myself to wear around him. Not like it would make any difference, but still.

I am not as skinny and elegant as the other girls in the village, I am a bit chubbier. But still, Camilo chose me to be his best friend. He never cared about my weight, while everybody else chose to laugh at me about it. He was always there. And maybe that's the reason I fell in love with him in the first place. If only he felt the same way...

I knew that no matter how thin or pretty I looked, no matter how silky smooth my hair was, he would never see me as more than a friend, and that tore my heart apart.

I'm not sure if he knows I like him, but even if he does, I don't think he would care. He only wants me to be his friend and that's it. Besides, if he had to choose someone to be his girlfriend, wouldn't he choose one of the thin, beautiful girls of the village?

Still, no matter if he likes me back or not, I am perfectly fine with the way things are now, as, I know that nothing more than that is going to happen, and I certainly hope I don't lose the connection we have now.

Oh, how I just love when he hugs me and when he soothes me... Whenever I'm upset with anything, he'll always be the first person to ask me what's wrong and hug me. Just like he did back then when we first met. I swear I will never forget that day.

It's been about 16 years, and I know that, even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to live without him. And he wouldn't either.

Don't get me wrong, this is not hope, he has actually told me that. I support him when he's upset too, I'm always there for him because that's what I do. Ever since I met him, being there for him and supporting him feels like it's the reason I was put into this world. And hearing from his mouth that he wouldn't be able to live without me was nothing less than a blessing. Those words come to my head at night, when I go to bed, and in the morning, when I wake up.

Could this whole thing just be an obsession? I don't know. Am I being too sensitive and sentimental about this? Probably. But all I know is that I love him with all my might. The same innocent love I developed for him when I was 6 years old.

So, after getting ready, I kissed my mom and left. I was trying my best to just be calm and not run to him because it would look weird. Frankly, I do that every day. I guess I just canʼt wait to be next to him.

As always, I find him leaning against a tree on the playground we start our walk from every day. The same playground we first met, it just has a sentimental value.

"Hey, Vero!" he smiled at me, making me melt secretly.

"Hey, Camilo!" I smiled back.

He stared at me for a second. For some reason, he always seems to stare at my smile. But I never let any of that give me hope, because it's nothing but just daydreams that will never come true. After all, we're just friends.

"How are you today?" he asked me.

"Iʼm great, how are you?" I asked back as we started walking.

"Eh, Iʼm fine too," he said, looking down.

"Is it Gabriella?" I asked why he wasnʼt in his best mood.

And if youʼre asking who Gabriella is... Did I mention he has a girlfriend?

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