Chapter 3

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[Veronicaʼs POV]

I know I always sound too emotional but, when he hugs me, I feel like I know what heaven looks like. And thatʼs where I am, now that heʼs hugging me. In heaven.

I wished this moment could last forever, but it couldnʼt. Not when you see the diva of all divas approaching. Yes, Gabriella was coming.

With her long, brown hair waving in the wind and her pink dress matching perfectly with her blue eyes for some reason, she looked like a princess. Then again, she always did. But if sheʼs a princess, that would make me the maid that cleans the princessʼ shoes.

"Hello Camilo, honey!" she squeaked, looking at Camilo and then looked at me, trying her best to form an at least fake smile, "Hey... you."

I simply rolled my eyes as I tried to stand up. I couldnʼt, though. Camilo was still hugging me. I was pretty surprised, as I thought he would just leave me and go to Gabriella instead. But no, he kept hugging me and looked her in the eyes while he did so.

Was he trying to make a statement? I donʼt know. Perhaps he wanted to show her with that gesture that she was not welcome here with us. Oh, how I enjoyed the look on her face... Jealousy and anger were painted all over her face but she was trying her best to hide it under her fake smile.

The thought that Camilo put me before any other girl always made me happy, but he only did it as my best friend. Well, I guess itʼs still nice that he values his best friend more than all the other girls, I canʼt have everything.

[Camiloʼs POV]

Not rolling your eyes all the time is a very hard task when Gabriella is around. I always try to be happy and optimistic but itʼs like I donʼt feel like being happy when sheʼs around. And sheʼd be stupid if she thought I havenʼt noticed the way she looks at Veronica. Iʼm not allowing anyone to look at my best friend that way and belittle her so much. Thatʼs it. I am breaking up with her today.

I can clearly see the jealous look on her face as I keep hugging Vero despite the fact that sheʼs here. I honestly donʼt care if sheʼs jealous or not, as I donʼt want anything to do with her.

I sighed as I let go of Vero as gently as I could. I knew I had to do this with Gabriella in private, but Iʼm sure she would understand.

"So, Vero, Iʼll see you later, I need to tell Gabriella something," I said, and turned my head to wink to her.

Veronica got my message, and I think she did understand that I was going to leave Gabriella.

So, she smiled and nodded at me as she walked away, probably for a walk around the market to run her usual errands for her mother.

Sighing yet again, I looked at Gabriella and tapped my palm on the bench next to me, motioning her to sit. She sat immediately and wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me like a Teddy bear.

As calmly as possible, I unwrapped myself from her grip. I knew I needed to be calm and collected about this, I still didnʼt want to hurt her despite everything.

"Look, Gabriella, we need to talk," I said softly.

I saw the worry forming in her face as if it was an alarm, but I also saw how she tried to hide it under a fake smile. "What is it, honey?"

Wow. This is harder than I thought. Here goes nothing.

[Veronicaʼs POV]

I left as soon as Camilo told me he would see me later. I think that, by the wink he gave me, he meant that he would finally break up with her. But what if he didnʼt mean that? What if he wasnʼt planning to break up with her? What if he wanted to propose to her? Wait- he wasnʼt, that is way too far-fetched. But still, what if?

I let out a deep sigh as the thought of Camilo kneeling down in front of Gabriella with a ring haunted me. Yes, yes, he had told me many times that he doesnʼt want to marry her and that he wants to break up with her, so why am I thinking like this?

My mamá has a stall in the market, so thatʼs where I went in order to help her. Thatʼs what I do every day, in fact. The same old routine. My father passed many years ago, so itʼs just my mother and I. This stall is our only source to make a living, so I always go and help her with it. She makes me run all around the village for errands and things, but I donʼt mind. I mean, I can use the exercise, right?

I stopped on my way to pick up some things she wanted and I reached our stall. I saw my mamá in the stall, helping out a customer. I slowly walked to her, so I wouldnʼt distract her.

When the customer left, she looked at me and smiled, like every day.

"You came back earlier today, mi amor. Why?" she asked with worry.

She knew how much I liked Camilo, she was the first one to know. And by 'first one' I mean it; she actually knew it before I did. Just like me, she always hoped that one day weʼll end up together, and she supports me.

"He, um, wanted a minute alone with Gabriella. I think he wants to break up with her but Iʼm not exactly sure," I shrugged my shoulders, looking down.

"Thatʼs supposed to be nice, isnʼt it?" my mom asked, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Well, yeah, I guess. If she doesnʼt make him happy, then thatʼs what he needs to do..." I said.

By this point, I know perfectly fine that I donʼt stand a single chance. So, what I truly want is for him to be with someone that makes him happy. If Gabriella did that, then I wouldnʼt mind her the slightest bit, even if she kept bullying me for the rest of my life. But since thatʼs not the case, Iʼm glad heʼs finally leaving her. Probably.

It was like my mamá knew exactly what I was thinking when she smiled warmly at me.

"Donʼt worry, honey. Your chance will come someday, you know that..." she said.

I smiled at her in return even though I knew it wouldnʼt. I always liked to at least hope, but my mood was still ruined.

I know Camilo wouldnʼt be happy to see me upset, but imagine if I told him he is the reason... Thatʼs why I always hide it when Iʼm around him and try to act like the happy girl Iʼm supposed to act like. Well, at least Iʼm trying to. Itʼs not always easy.

I wonder how itʼs going with him and Gabriella. Not like he wonʼt tell me everything later today, but still. Most importantly, though, I wonder how she took the whole break-up thing.


Hey everyone! I guess Authorʼs Notes are becoming a thing! Thank you all for reading and making it this far, you brighten my day!

I hope the fact that the POV keeps switching all the time doesnʼt confuse anyone, but, if it does, please tell me. Also, I wouldnʼt mind hearing your opinions about this as well as things you like or dontʼt like, and thing you want or donʼt want to see.

Thatʼs all I had. Once again, thank you for reading! Have a lovely day/night!

- BC

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