♥️I'm yours♥️

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Type: fluff

Luke smiled happily at the mauve haired male beside him. They sat together on their misty grey couch, watching the news, not really up to much.

Zander smiled back at the drummer, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. "Luke?" He mumbled, shuffling his face around, trying to get comfortable.

Luke averted his golden gaze from the TV screen and down to the pianist, "Yes, love?" He answered, kissing Zander's forehead with a light touch.

Zander blushed at the action, though not as much as he used to back in highschool. Back then he would always get flustered at the smallest acts of affection from the brunette. Whether it be hand holding to small kisses or even just a simple smile.

He had gotten a lot more used to it, especially since they'd moved in together. They'd lived in the small apartment for 5 years together now. They were a happy couple.

Zander sat up slightly, adjusting his position on the plush couch he sat on, he could feel his cheeks go red as he was about to speak, "Uhm, can I take you somewhere tomorrow?" He asked, fiddling with his hands anxiously.

Luke sat up too, putting an arm around his frail boyfriend, pulling him closer as a small smile appeared on his lips, "Of course, darling." He said in a tender, reassuring tone.

Zander looked Luke in the eyes, the lavender orbs filled with worry for some reason Luke couldn't figure out. "L-Like a date." He confirmed, his hands becoming more sweaty by the second.

The brunette smiled lightly, though a little confused and concerned at Zander's anxious behaviour. He was probably just nervous about asking Luke on a date, despite how long they'd been together now.

"Yeah, a date." Luke smiled warmly at the fidgety pianist who sat beside him.

As the night drew to a close, both males made their way to bed, Zander becoming even more anxious for tomorrow.

The next day came way too quickly, the 7 am alarm screeching out a high pitched beep across the room, irritation filling the pianist's head as he reached across to the cabinet and smashed his hand down on the button to turn off the annoying device.

He suddenly remembered what was happening today and resulted into a panic, quickly getting out of bed, noticing that his lover was still asleep. He was surprised actually, Luke was such a light sleeper, even the faintest noises could usually succeed to awake him, but not today, to Zander's dislike. Now he had to manually wake him up.

He leaned back down on the bed, reaching an arm over to the brunette, slowly stroking the side of his cheek with a delicate touch. "Lukey..." He murmured, slightly shaking the drummer.

Luke's honeycomb eyes fluttered open, he cleared his throat which sounded pretty groggy, and adjusted his vision to see his purple haired lover infront of him.

"Oh, hey..." He muttered, his voice still sounding low and rasp. "Morning." He smiled at the pianist, wrapping his arms around his neck, thrusting himself into a sitting position.

Zander smiled at the perfect man before him, "Morning." He mumbled, kissing Luke's lips softly before pulling away.

Luke let out a yawn, stretching his arms up in the air, "I'm gonna go start breakfast." He muttered, pulling the pearly white sheets off of the two and hopping out of bed.

Zander watched at Luke made his way downstairs, slowly following behind. He made his way into the kitchen with Luke and the two made breakfast together.


As the evening arrived, Zander thought that this would be a good time to leave for the date he had planned. And as if like magic, Luke's next words were:

𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡ (complete//hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now