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HE WATCHES her walk toward the back of the store, her hips swaying a little. His sister shoves him in the ribs. "Ow. What the fuck?"

     "She's pretty, right?" She says, smirking a little as she walks over to the table that Gen had told her about. She picks up The Love Hypothesis and flips through the pages, before closing and it staring at him, the smug smirk still there.

     "Shut up. I'm not even sure why I came here with you." He grumbles, running a hand through his face.

     "It's 'cause I'm your favourite sister." She states, walking around, and looking at other books. "You're my only sister." She shrugs, rolling her eyes in the process.

     Gen comes back with a copy of The Spanish Love Deception in her hand. He looks at her. She diverts her gaze to his sister. "Here you are, anything else?"

     "I think my brother would like your number." She bluntly states. Gen looks at him and he looks at her. Then Gen does something that surprises both her and him.

     "Do you want it? My number?"

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