Chapter 8

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Helloooooo my lovely cinnamon buns! Ok, I am soo so so so so so so so sorry! I haven't updated in a million years... I kept forgeting, and now I feel bad. Plus I have been pretty busy with school. 9th grade is a lot of work... haha just kidding, it hasn't been that bad. But I am so excited because my birthday is in 12 days! Oh my gosh... Imma be 15. LEARNERS PERMIT! Anyway... I am not going to blab any longer. Enjoy Chapter 8! (FYI; The beginning of this chapter is Damon's Pov and the rest is Kaitlyn's)

Chapter 8; What now?

Damon's POV;

I watched as the grey veins appeared all around Kaitlyn's body. "What did you do Klaus?!" I yelled. "I only compelled her to kill herself using a stake that I provided." He said nonchalantly. I shot him a death glare before smirking at his little hybrid slave. I calmly walked over to what's his name. I thrusted my hand into his chest and pulled his heart out. I watched as his body dropped to the ground with a thud. I dropped the heart on him and wiped my hand.

"You shouldn't have done that Damon." Klaus said. "What are you going to do about it?" I asked. I scooped up Kaitlyn's body. I ran to the woods. I placed her under a tree close to the boarding house. I walked back to the boarding house and went straight to my room. I absolutely hate Klaus.

I heard the front door open and close. Must be Stefan. "Damon?" He called. "Not in the mood Stefan." I said. My door opened and I rolled my eyes. "Damon, Bonnie put a spell on Kaitlyn before she was compelled to kill herself." Stefan said. I turned around and looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Bonnie knew Klaus had apparently compelled me to kill Kaitlyn so she put a spell on her. A spell that would bring her back if Klaus had succeeded in killing her. Which he did. When she comes back I don't know." Stefan explained.

"Oh... I'll be right back." I said. I went back to the spot I placed her and she wasn't there. "Crap..." I mumbled. I ran back to the boarding house. "Stefan, we have a problem." I said. He came down the stairs.

"What?" He asked. "I went back to the spot where I placed Kaitlyn's body and it isn't there." I said. "Are you kidding me?" He said. "Nope, is that a bad thing?" I asked, getting worried. "Let me call Bonnie." He said. He pulled his phone out and punched in a number.

"Hey Stefan, what's up?" I heard Bonnie answer. "Yeah, so you know that spell that you said would bring Kaitlyn back if she died?" Stefan asked. "Yeah, why?" She said. "Well, Kaitlyn was taken by Klaus and he compelled her to stake herself and so she did. Damon put her body out near the boarding house. I told him what you told me and he went back to get her but her body wasn't there." Stefan explained.

"Oh no. You have to find her now." Bonnie said. "What are the effects of this spell?" He asked. "It takes away all memory that she had since she was turned. But there may be a way to fix that, and the chances of fixing it is slim." She said.

"Crap... Ok." Stefan said. He hung up. "Great! Just great!" I said angrily. "Damon, calm down. We can find her." Stefan reassured. I sighed. "We're looking now." I said. He nodded and we both walked out the door.

Kaitlyn's POV;

Where am I? I kept asking the same question over and over again, but I didn't know the answer.

All I remember is waking up in the woods near a big house. Heck, I don't even know my own name.

I continued down the street until I saw a building called the Mystic Grill. I arched an eyebrow but walked in. I saw a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. "Excuse me?" I asked politely.

"Oh, hey Kaitlyn. You need something?" He asked. I was confused now. "Kaitlyn? Is that my name?" I asked. "Um, yeah. Are you ok?" He said. "Yeah. Where am I though?" I asked. "You are at the Mystic Grill which is located in Mystic Falls." He said.

Mystic Falls. At least I know what this town is named. "Thank you..." I said. "Matt." He said. "Thank you Matt." I said. I walked out of the building and walked further down the street.

Then pain hit. I clutched my stomach and fell to my knees. "Ow..." I moaned. "Kaitlyn? Kaitlyn!" A voice called. My head snapped up and I looked behind me. It was a guy with dark hair and blue eyes. I jumped up and ran at impossible speed. I hid in the woods.

Then it hit me. I'm a vampire, my name is Kaitlyn and I was born here in 1796, turned in 1814. But I don't know anything else or anyone.

He was calling my name and so I ran again. I have no idea who he is but I am not going to wait and find out.

The pain that hit me must be hunger. A strong hunger too. I need to feed. I used my hearing to try and catch someone.

I heard laughing. I smirked to myself. I approached what seemed like a couple. "Hello." I said. "Uh, Hi. Do you need help or something?" The girl said.

"Actually yes. I need to ask you a question in private, please." I said. "Um, ok. I'll be right back honey." She said. He smiled and nodded. I just rolled my eyes as I lead the girl about 5 minutes away from where they were.

"You will not scream, you will not move. This will only hurt a little." I compelled her. "I will not scream, I will not move." She repeated. I smirked again. I bared my fangs and a look of horror spread across her face. But she didn't move or scream. I sunk my teeth into her neck and drank every last drop of her blood. I went back to the guy who turned from happy to scared. He started running but I caught him.

"What..." He began. I cut him off by sinking my teeth into his neck. I drank and drank until there was no more. I used his shirt to wipe my mouth.

Mm... That was good. I dragged both bodies and threw them in the river. I began my walk back out of the woods. That is until something grabbed me.

I ripped my hand out of the grasp and turned around. It was the guy that was calling my name.

"Look, I don't know who you are but please just leave me alone." I said. "You really don't remember me?" He asked. "Nope. I only remember my name and when I was born." I told him.

"Well, I know you're a vampire." He said. I gripped his throat and pinned him to the nearest tree. "You're stronger than I am, remember?" He mumbled. "How do you know that?" I asked. "I have known you for over a century Kaitlyn. I know everything about you." He said.

"Oh, so you must be a vampire too, huh?" I asked. "Yep." He said. "Ok, well, I don't have time for this. Bye." I said. I dropped him and took off running.

I heard ringing coming from my pocket. I pulled out the phone and read the caller ID. It read Bonnie. I pressed answer. "Um, hello?" I said unsure. "Kaitlyn, you probably don't remember me, but I can help get your memory back." She said. "Whatever. Where are you?" I said annoyed. "The boarding house. You woke up near it." She said. "Be there in a minute." I said. "Ok, bye." She said.

I hung up and put the phone in my pocket. I sighed and rolled my eyes. How do these people know me if I don't know them?

I found the huge house and rang the doorbell. A guy with light hair and green eyes opened the door. "Kaitlyn, come in. And just so you know, you live here." He said. "I do?" I asked. "Yep, now come on." He said. I entered the house and he lead me to a living room.

I saw a girl sitting on the couch. "Stefan, It's not positive this spell will work. If it doesn't you're just going to have to hope her memory comes back naturally." She said. "So your name is Stefan?" I asked the guy. "Yep." He said. "Is that other guy that wouldn't stop following me and calling my name someone you know?" I asked.

"Yep. That would be Damon. My brother." He said. "Oh." That was all I said. "Ok, you ready?" She asked. "I suppose so." I said. She motioned me to sit down, so I did. She grabbed my hands and started mumbling gibberish.

She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Do you remember anything at all?" She asked. "I remember my name, the year I was born, the year I was turned, Um... I remember Damon and Stefan... Uh... I think that's it." I said.

"She only got a small portion of it back, and it's the memory of you and Damon." She said. Stefan sighed. "I'm sorry, I really am." She said.

The girl left and I looked at Stefan. There was a knock at the door and Stefan answered it. There was another guy standing there. It wasn't Damon though.

"What do you want Klaus?" Stefan asked. "I want to know why she is alive again." He said. "How did you know she is alive again?" Stefan asked. "Word gets around." He said.

"Well, she lost her memory, so therefore she can't get in your way." Stefan told him. "Is that so?" He asked. "Yep." He said. I looked at him. "Who are you? And why do you want me dead so bad?" I asked.

"Don't pretend like you don't know me." He said. "I really don't know who you are." I said. He pushed past Stefan and looked into my eyes. "Who am I?" He compelled. "I don't know who you are." I said. "So it seems she has lost her memory. Very well." He said before disappearing.

"Who was that?" I asked. "Someone you don't want to mess with." He said. I shrugged and walked up the stairs. My foot hit something and I went flying. I smashed through a door and then through a window, then landed on my head in the front of the house.

I sat up and rubbed my head. I groaned. "Owww..." I moaned. "Kaitlyn! Are you ok?" Stefan called as he ran out of the house. "Yeah. My head hurts though." I said. "Come on. You should lay down." He said.

The pain grew and grew. I screamed in pain. I had no idea what was happening but the pain was continuing to get worse and I only screamed louder.


What's happening to poor Kaitlyn? Only I know. :) Anyway... I made up a lot of the stuff that happened in this chapter, so don't judge me.

Ok my little cinnamon buns, comment, fan, vote, tell the animals in the forest, tell the trees, tell the doughnuts, and whatever else. I hope you are enjoying this story so far!

Now, I promise I will update a lot more often!

FYI, I really enjoy getting comments from my readers. Plus, the first comment on this chapter will get a dedication in my next chapter! :)

Gots to go. I'm a busy person who has school tomorrow. Yay....

Bye my awesome readers! <3

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